To define the structure and diversity of bacterial communities in the aqutic ecosystem, Lake Soyang, the largest artificial reservoir in Korea, a new method, fluorescent in situ hybridization was applied. This technique relies on the specific hybridization of the nucleic acid probes to the naturally amplified intracellular rRNA. By this method, the bacterial community composition of Lake Soyang and bacterial numbers belong to eubacteria, proteobacteria and Cytophaga-Flavobacterium group were estimated. Total bacterial numbers ranged from $0.3{\times}10^6{\sim}2.0{\times}10^6cells{\cdot}ml^{-1}$, and vertical profile of total bacteria showed the peak at 2 and 5 m depths. The ratio of eubacteria to total bacteria were 22~100% and varied with depth and season. The percentage of Proteobacteria ${\alpha}$-group ranged 2.6~66.7%, ${\beta}$-group 4.5~53.5%, ${\gamma}$-group 4.6~76.7% and Cytophaga-Flavobacterium group 2.1~35.9%. Also, bacteria] community had spatial and temporal characteristics. The dominant groups were ${\beta}$-group in winter, ${\gamma}$-group in spring and early summer and ${\alpha}$-group in summer.
소양호에서 세균군집의 계절적, 수심별 변화를 파악하고자 총세균수와 EUB338, ALG1b, BET42a, GAM42a와 CF probe 등 fluorescent rRNA target oligonuvleotide probe와 반응하는 세균 개체수를 측정하였다. 총세균수는 $0.5{\sim}2.01{\times}10^6cells{\cdot}ml^{-1}$이였으며, 2 m와 5 m 수층에서 높게 나타났다. 총세균수에 대한 Eubacteria의 비율은 22~100%이였고, Proteobacteria ${\alpha}$-group은 Eubacteria의 2.6~66.7%, ${\beta}$-group은 4.5~53.5%, ${\gamma}$-group은 4.6~76.7%, 그리고 Cytophage-Flavobacterium group은 2.1~35.9%이였다. 또한 세균군집은 계절별, 수심별로 다양한 변화를 보여, 겨울철은 ${\beta}$-group이, 봄철과 초여름은 ${\gamma}$-group이, 여름철은 ${\alpha}$-group이 우점하였고, Cytophage-Flavobacterium group이 특정적으로 우점하는 시기는 없었다. 이러한 세균 군집 구조의 분포로 계절별, 수심별로 호수에 대한 독특한 특징을 알 수 있었다.