Electrochemical Ion Exchang(EIX) electrode containing Amberlite IRP-64 as a cation ion exchange resin and Stylene-Buthylene-Rubber(SBR) as a binder was fabricated by the compressed diecasting method. The adsorption and elution characteristics in copper sulfate solution were investigated at the various electrode potentials and electrolyte pHs. In the adsorption process, it was found that the maximum adsorption rate of copper was obtained at -1800 mV and the ratio of adsorption was 92% during 90 min. In the elution process, the elution rate of copper was increased in proportion to anodic potential in the present experimental range and the ratio of elution was 88% during 50 mins at 3600 mV. The adsorption and elution processes were significantly affected by the variation of local pH in the vicinity of electrochemical ion exchange electrode. The higher performances of adsorption and elution were elution were obtained at basic and acidic eletrolytes.
전기화학적 이온교환전극을 양이온 교환수지 Amberlite IRP-64와 결합제로서 Stylen-Buthylene-Rubber (SBR)를 혼합하여 압축성형 방법으로 제작하여, 전극전위와 전해질의 pH에 따른 구리이온의 흡착과 용출특성을 고찰하였다. 흡착공정에서는 -1800 mV에서 최대 흡착속도를 나타내었으며 90분 경과 후,92%의 흡착율을 나타내었다. 용출공정의 경우, 본 실험영역에서는 전위의 증가에 비례하여 용출율은 증가되어 나타났으며, 3600 mV에서 50분 이후 88%의 용출율을 나타내었다. 전기화학적 이온교환 전극 근처의 국부적인 pH 변화는 흡착과 용출공정에 크게 영향을 미치는 것으로 사료되며, 전해질의 pH가 각각 염기성과 산성에서 높은 흡착율과 용출율을 나타내었다.