사독(蛇毒)에 대한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)

The Study on The Snake Venom

  • 이진선 (상지대학교 한의과대학 침구과 교실) ;
  • 권기록 (상지대학교 한의과대학 침구과 교실)
  • Lee, Jin-Seon (Dept. of Acu. & Mox., College of Oriental Medicine, Sang Ji UNIV) ;
  • Kwon, Gi-Rok (Dept. of Acu. & Mox., College of Oriental Medicine, Sang Ji UNIV)
  • 발행 : 1999.02.28


This study was carried out to invastigate the researches of Snake Venom and snakes which used in treatment 1. The fist literature that used the snake for treatment is Shin Nong Ben Cao Jing 2. Composition of Snake Venom is consist of Enzymatic proteins ; Phospholipase A(A1-2), Protease, L-amino acid oxidase etc, and Non-enzymatic proteins ; Crotamine(Cytolysin), Proteolytic factor(Hematoxin), Crotoxin(Neurotoxin) etc. 3. Main toxins in Snake Venom are Hematoxin, Cytolysin, Neurotoxin and Cardiotoxin. Lethal dose 50 value of Agkistrodon brevicaudus is $45.87{\mu}g$/18g, Agkistrodon saxatilis is $10.28{\mu}g$/18g, Agkistrodon ussuriensis is $8.68{\mu}g$/18g, therefore Agkistrodon ussuriensis has strongist Snake Venom of all in Korea. 4. Pharmacological actions of Snake Venom are anticoagulation, thrombolytic function, hypotensor etc. 5. Systemic syndromes and signs after snakebite are Dizziness(25.7%), Vomitting(23.1%), Fever(22%), Visual disturbance(18%), Headache(17.7%) and Dyspnea(17.6%), etc. 6. Local syndrome and sign after snakebite is Discoloration(54.2%), Bleeding(20.2%), Bullae(10.7%), Skinulcer(10.8%), etc. 7. Pathological syndromes after snakebite are WBC increase, Urine protein, Urine sugar, Haematuria and elevation of S-GDT, S-GPT etc. These syndromes are leaded by Hematoxin and Cytolysin. 8. Complication signs after snakebite are Cellulitis, Gastritis, Lympoma, Abscess etc. 9. Common function of Viperidae(Agkistrodon acutus or Zaocys dhumnades etc) is expelling the wind(祛風), removing obstruction in the channels(通絡), antipastic function(止痙). And it is used in order to cure hemiparesis, hemiplegia, facial palsy and CVA disease, etc. 10. Using way of snake for medical treatment is various like Herbal alchol therapy, pill, powder and injection etc. The Study on the Snake Venom should be carried out continuously for using of medical treatment.



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