우슬약침(牛膝藥鍼)이 Rat의 Adjuvant 관절염(關節炎)에 미치는 영향(影響)

Effects of Achyranthis Radix Herbal-Acupuncture on Adjuvant Athritis in Rats

  • 장통영 (상지대학교 한의과대학 침구과 교실) ;
  • 박희수 (상지대학교 한의과대학 침구과 교실)
  • Chang, Tong-Young (Dept. of Acu. & Mox., College of Oriental Medicine, Sang Ji UNIV) ;
  • Park, Hee-Soo (Dept. of Acu. & Mox., College of Oriental Medicine, Sang Ji UNIV)
  • 발행 : 1999.02.28


To investigate effects of Achyranthis Radix herbal-acupuncture on adjuvant arthritis in rats, the edema rate, the number of WBC, the quantity of total protein, albumin and globuline in the blood serum and histological test of the muscular tissue were measured in the arthritis part. 1. After elicitating arthritis of Sprague dawley(SD) rats by injection of Freund's complete adjuvant for 2 weeks, normal saline was injected for the Exp. I group and Achyranthis Radix herbal-acupuncture was injected for the Exp. II group during 30days. Selected point was $D\acute{u}b\acute{i}(ST_{35})$ in both the groups. And then the volume of the paw were checked. The volume of the paw was $0.84{\pm}0.14mm$ in the Exp. I group and $0.47{\pm}0.11mm$ in the Exp.II group, the swelling of the paw was restricted significantly in the Exp. II group(p<0.05). 2. The number of WBC was $10.34{\pm}0.14(10^3/ml)$ in the normal group and $37.47{\pm}5.46(10^3/ml)$ in the Exp. I group. It was $21.24{\pm}2.58(10^3/ml)$ in the Exp. II group. This fact showed that the group Exp. II with Achyranthis Radix herbal-acupuncture was more effective than the Exp. II group in the treatment of arthritis(p<0.05). 3. The content of the total protein in the blood serum was $6.14{\pm}0.43g/dl$ in the normal group, $7.95{\pm}0.94g/dl$ in the Exp. I group, and $6.41{\pm}0.68g/dl$ in the Exp. II group. There was no significance in total protein between the Exp. II group and the Exp. I group from the statistical analysis. 4. The content of albumin in the blood serum was $2.94{\pm}0.13g/dl$ in the normal group, $2.01{\pm}0.48g/dl$ in Chang Tong-young the Exp. I group and $3.15{\pm}0.27g/dl$ in the Exp. II group. This fact showed that the Exp. II group had significant increase in the serum albumin from the statistical analysis compared with the Exp. I group. 5. The content of the globulin in the blood serum was $3.19{\pm}0.48g/dl$ in the normal group, $4.70{\pm}1.26g/dl$ in the Exp. I group and $3.26{\pm}0.57g/dl$ in the Exp. II group. There was no significance in the serum globulin between the Exp. II group and Exp. I group from the statistical analysis. 6. In histological finding, because of severe inflammatory reaction, remarkably irregular tissue and large amount of inflammatory cells were found in the Exp. I group. But the Exp. II group showed small amount of inflammatory cells, the refrained inflammatory state and even recovering state.



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