A Study on the Dose of Prescription in Shanghanlun

상한잡병론(傷寒雜病論)의 약물제량(藥物劑量)에 관한 고찰

  • Shin, Heung-Mook (Dept. of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong Guk University)
  • 신흥묵 (동국대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실)
  • Published : 1999.09.30


This study was carried out to investigate the dose of prescription in Shanghanlun. To this end, literature research and a survey of several herbal medicines have been done. As a result, the weight of 1 liang (兩) is determined to be about 15g. Furthermore, we find that Jung-Kyung Jang, who compiled Shang-hanlun, used a great quantity of herbal medicines to treat critical conditions of iIInesses. Therefore application of Shang-hanIun s prescriptions according to the various conditions of patients must have changed the quantity of dosage.



  1. 中國度量衡史 吳洛
  2. 愼疾芻言 古一兩 今二錢零 古一升今二合 古一劑 今之三服 徐靈胎
  3. 傷寒論臨床實驗錄 邢錫波
  4. 傷寒論方運用法 張志民;周康生
  5. 傷寒論闡釋 成友仁
  6. 中國古代度量衡圖集 國家計量總局
  7. 簡明中醫辭典
  8. 文淵閣四庫全書,唐六典 張九齡
  9. 中國度量衡史 吳洛
  10. 中國度量衡史 吳洛
  11. 中國度量衡史 吳洛
  12. 醫宗金鑑(上冊) v.上冊 吳謙
  13. 中國度量衡史 吳洛
  14. 醫醫病書 吳鞠通
  15. 中國度量衡史 吳洛
  16. 醫宗金鑑(上冊) v.上冊 吳謙
  17. 中華醫學史雜志 v.26 no.4 神農秤質疑 仝小林;崔勿驕;崔新育;王君
  18. 中醫雜志 v.3 重劑甘草瀉心湯治療急性胃腸炎60例 畢明義
  19. 備急千金要方 凡諸方用藥 多出神農本經 古今不同 孫思邈
  20. 經方傳眞 마世純(等)