An analysis of factors affecting aspects of disease and satisfied medical treatments for oriental medical users

한방의료(韓方醫療) 이용자의 질병양상(疾病樣相)과 치료만족도(治療滿足度)에 영향(影響)을 미치는 요인분석(要因分析)

  • Published : 1999.12.29


A study on disease treated at oriental medical treatment facilities (OMTF) and patients' satisfaction levels was conducted in order to figure out why the patients visited oriental medical doctors and the level of satisfaction of the patients for the services offered to them by oriental medical doctors. This study was performed from March 2 through May 31, 1998 by interviewing 1.532 persons living in major and small cities in korea. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. The general characteristics of subjects. The highest portion of each part was, 66.9% female, persons in the age group of over 60's 22.7%, high school graduated 34.9%, house wife 30.8%, The married 65.0%, Buddhist 36.9%, maj or city residents 60.2%, company covered insurance benefiter 39.0% and etc. 2. 40.5% of subjects visited OMTF for skeletal and connective tissue diseases. 21.5% for digestive system diseases. 16.2% for respiratory system diseases. 13.3% for circulatory system diseases and 9.0% for neurological problems. 3. 42.7% of males visited OMTF for skeletal and connective tissue diseases, which were the highest and respiratory system disorders, digestive system disorders, circulatory system disorders and neurological diseases in order. 39.4% of females visited OMTF for skeletal and connective tissue disorders which were the highest and other conditions such as digestive system, circulatory, respiratory, and neurological disorders in order. 4. The males with circulatory system disorders were treated by herbal medicine, combination of herbal medicine and acupuncture, only in order. The females with the some conditions above were treated by combination of herbal medicine and herbal medical and acupuncture only in order. The males and females with respiratory system and digestive system diseases were treated by herbal medicine, combination of herbal medicine and acupuncture only in order. But the males and females with skeletal and connective tissue diseases were by acupuncture are the highest in order. 5. The females and persons in the age group of over 60' s and house wife. the not married, the unhealthy persons, residents living in small cities, the persons with high income by medical treatments frequency in circulatory system diseases are the highest. 6, The females, middle school graduated and the married, persons in the age group of over 60's, unemployed, sales and service industry workers, Buddhists, major city residents, the unhealthy persons, the persons with middle income by medical treatments frequency in respiratory system diseases are the highest. 7. The females, persons in the age group of over 60's, under graduated or elementary school graduated, the unemployed and house wife, the unmarried, Buddhists, major city residents, the unhealthy persons, the persons with low income by medical treatments frequency in digestive system diseases are the highest. 8. The males, major city residents, old ages, under graduated or elementary school graduated, go earn officials, people grown in small city, the persons who had health insurance policies, the persons with low income, the unhealthy persons by medical treatments frequency in skeletal and connective tissue disorders diseases. 9. 50.8% of the respondents said that the treatments at the OMTF were very effective. 47.7% of them said that the treatments were effective. The males, persons in the age group of 40's, high school graduates, official workes, the married, the persons who did not have religion, major city residents, the persons who had health insurance policies, the persons with high income and the healthy persons said that the treatment effects at OMTF were satisfactory. 10. The patients' satisfaction rate for OMTF on each disease is, 1st. Musculo-Skeletal system(most satisfied), 2nd. the pregnancy & delivery complications, 3rd. Eye & ophthalmics, 4th. Respiratory system, 5th. Mental & bodily disorder, 6th. Digestive system and etc. 11. The factors affect OMTF are age, satisfaction for OMTF, current disease, religion, efficiency of Oriental Medicine, health condition and etc. This explained power of variable were 39.0%. 12. The satisfied factors for OMTF is correlate to educational level, and economical variables.



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