The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
- Volume 11 Issue 2
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- Pages.43-50
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- 1999
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- 1229-0475(pISSN)
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- 2287-156X(eISSN)
Change of energy consumption according to loading on the ankle of normal adults during gait
정상 성인의 발목에 부가된 하중에 의한 보행 중 에너지 소모도 변화
- Kim Bong-Ok (Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Chungnam University Hospital) ;
- Chae Su-Sung (Chungnam University Hospital) ;
- Kim Yong-Gun (Chungnam University Hospital) ;
Han Dong-Uck
(Taejon Veterans Hospital)
- Published : 1999.08.01
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the change of the energy consumption when loading to leg of the 60persons who don't have past history of cardiopulmonary and neuromuscular disease, To evaluate the change or energy consumption, heart rate was measured in sitting position for 5minute, during walking for 3minute at for 4.8km on treadmill, and during resting state after walking with 1Kg loading to right ankle, and the other 1Kg loading was added to left ankle and then heart rates were measured in the The results were as follow; 1. PCI value without loading to Ankle were significantly increased compared to 1Kg, and 2Kg. (p<0.05) 2. Female Subjects showed mon increased PCI value in without leading and 2Kg loading compared to male subjects. ( p<0.05) 3. When 1Kg ana 2Ka loading to ankle significantly differences were showed between them. (p<0.05) 4. In the case of 1Kg and 2Kg loading, the difference among age groups was observed and the significant difference among PCI, PCI 1kg, PCI 2kg was showed in the only group that is less than 30 years old. 5. In every PCI condition the difference among height groups was observed and the significant difference among PCI conditions was showed in the only group that is less than 165cm. 6. The difference among weight groups in each PCI condition was not observed, but the significant differences among PCI conditions was showed in every group except the group that h from 60kg to 69kg. These results showed that energy consumption was increased according to loading on the ankle during Sate so weight of orthosis or prosthesis met be considered when choosing them and during gait training with these ones.