The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
- Volume 11 Issue 3
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- Pages.133-140
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- 1999
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- 1229-0475(pISSN)
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- 2287-156X(eISSN)
Neurite Growth Inhibitory Signals in CNS
중추신경계 신경성장 억제 신호
- Kim Sik-Hyun (Department of Biology Graduate School, Keimyung University) ;
Kwon Hyuk-Cheol
(Dept. of rehabilitation Science, college of rehabilitation Science, Taegu University)
- Published : 1999.12.01
Why does the CNS not regenerate after injury? The failure of axonal regeneration in the CNS after injury is not due to an inherent inability of these neurons to regrowth axon. Recently, an inhibitory substrate effect of CNS has been discovered which could be directly invoked in the lack of regeneration. The failure of axon regrowth in the CNS is crucially influenced by the presence of neurtie growth inhibitor NI35/250 and possibly also by molecules such as myelin associated glycoprotein(MAG) and chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans(CSPGs). The application of the monoclonal antibody IN-1, which efficinetly neutralizes the N135/250 inhibitory molecules. This new finding has a strong impact on the development of, a new neuroscienctific research directed to stimulate axonal regeneration. In this review summarize the current knowledge on the factors and molecules involved in the regeneration failure.