Archives of Pharmacal Research
- Volume 22 Issue 4
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- Pages.401-403
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- 1999
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- 0253-6269(pISSN)
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- 1976-3786(eISSN)
Anti-Platelet Aggregation Activity of Stilbene Derivatives from Rheum undulatum
- Ko, Sung-Kwon (College of Pharmacy, Chung-Ang University) ;
- Lee, Seung-Mok (Ilyang Central Reserach Instutite) ;
Whang, Wan-Kyunn
(College of Pharmacy, Chung-Ang University)
- Published : 1999.08.01
In continued studies on cultivated Korean rhubarb rhizomes (Rheum undulatum), three known stillbenes (desoxyrhapontigenin, rhapontigenin, piceatannol) have been screened for activity on blood platelet aggregation. Both rhapontigenin and desoxyrhapontigenin exhibited strong inhibition on the aggregation induced by arachidonic acid collagen. However, piceatannol did not show inhibition. These inhibitory effects may partially contribute to anti-blood stagnancy activity of rhubarb.
- Platelet aggregation;
- Rheum undulatum;
- Cultivated Korean rhubarb rhizomes;
- Stillbenes;
- Desoxyrhapontigenin;
- Rhapontigenin;
- Piceatannol.