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- LCC, CC, DDC의 語文學區分에 관한 硏究 南台祐
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- 文獻分類論 鄭필模
- Thesaurus construction : a Practical Manual(2nd ed.) Aitchison, Jean;Alan Gilchrist
- PRECIS : A manual of concept analysis and subject indexing Austin, Derek
- The Organization of Knowledge in Libraries(2nd ed.) Bliss, Henry Evelyn
- Guide to the Universal Decimal Classification(UDC) BS1000C BSI
- Theory of Library Classification Buchanan, B.
- 문헌분류이론 Buchanan, B.;정필모;오동근(공역)
- Library Resources & Technical Services v.15 no.4 The form distinction in the 800 class of the Dewey Decimal Scheme Chan, Lois Mai
- Immroth's Guide to the Library of Congress Classification(4th ed.) Chan, Lois Mai
- Theory of Subject Analysis : an introduction(2nd ed.) Chan, Lois Mai;Richmond P. A.;Svenonius E.(ed.)
- Dewey Decimal Classification : a Practical Guide Chan, Lois Mai(et. al.)
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- The Subject Approach to Information(5th ed.) Foskett, A. C.
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- Libri. v.42 Ranganathan in the perspective of advanced information retrieval Ingwersen, Peter;Irene Wormell
- Classificatory Structures ; Concepts, Relations and Representation Iyer, Hemalata
- Colon classification ; enumerated and expanded schedules along with theoretical formulations Khanna, J. K.
- The role of classification schemes in internet resources description and discovery Koch, Trangott
- Theory of Classification(2nd rev. ed.) Kumar, Krishan
- Subject analysis : principles and Procedures Langridge, D. W.
- Faceted Access : A review of the future Mapie, Amanda
- A New Manual of Classification Marcella, Rita;Robert Newton
- The Influence of Ranganathan Faceted Classification Matthews, Geraldine Odessa
- A Modern Outline of Library Classification Mills, J.
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- Organizing knowledge in Libraries(2nd rev. ed.) Needham, C. D.
- Philosophy of Library Classification Ranganathan, S. R.
- Colon Classification(6th ed. completely rev.) Ranganathan, S. R.
- Elements of library of classification Ranganathan, S. R.
- Prolegomena to Library Classification(3rd ed.) Ranganathan, S. R.
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- Colon Classification(7th ed.) Ranganathan, S. R.
- Colon Classification, 7th edition : a Practical Introduction Satija, M. P.
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