- 한국에서 유행하는 렙토스피라증에 관한 연구(Ⅰ) 국립보건원
- 한국에서 유행하는 렙토스피라증에 관한 연구(Ⅱ) 국립보건원
- 대한미생물학회지 v.21 Cross-agglutinin absoption 법에 의한 렙토스피라균의 혈청학적 분석(1985) 오희복;박경석;조민기
- 대한미생물학회지 v.26 Identification of new serovar yeonchon and hongchon belonging to Leptospira interrogans Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup 오희복;장우현;조민기;성원근;박경석
- 대한의학협회지 v.28 한국에서 미생물학적으로 확인된 렙토스피라병의 부검례 이정상;김성권;윤성철;한용철;지제근;김상윤
- 대한내과학회지 v.28 혈청학적으로 증명된 렙토스피라병 이정상;김용훈;윤성철;안규리;김성원;지제근
- 한국역학회지 v.6 혈청학적으로 진단된 Leptospirosis의 임상상 이정상;윤순철;이훈용;안규리;김성권;지제근
- 대한미생물학회지 v.24 단세포군항체 및 교차응집소 흡수방법을 이용한 국내분리 렙토스피라균의 항원 분석 장우현;기선호;박경희;김성용;김익상;최명식
- 대한미생물학회지 v.24 제한효소 DNA 분석법과 단세포군항체를 이용한 국내분리 렙토스피라균의 동정 장우현;기선호;박경희;김석용;김익상;최명식
- 대한미생물학회지 v.22 제한효소 DNA분석법에 의한 국내분리 렙토스피라균의 동정 장우현;김석용;서정선
- 대한미생물학회지 v.23 단세포군항체를 이용한 국내분리 렙토스피라균의 혈청형 분석 장우현;박경희;이정빈
- 대한미생물학회지 v.23 교차응집소 흡수방법에 의한 국내분리 렙토스피라균의 혈청형 동정(1984-1987) 조민기;김윤원;민창홍;오희복
- 한국역학회지 v.6 한국에서 유행한 leptospirosis의 세균학적 연구 조민기;백승복;오희복;송철
- 국립보건원보 v.21 농촌지역에서 발생한 출혈성 폐염양 질환의 미생물학적 연구 조민기;오희복;성원근;박미연;이명숙;송철;백승복;심재철;인선동
- 대한미생물학회지 v.24 교차 응집소 흡수방법 및 단세포군항체를 이용한 렙토스피라균의 혈청학적 분석 조민기;이종호;윤창순;김윤원;민창홍;김용선;박경석;오희복
- FEMS Microbiology Letters. v.71 Sizing of the Leptospira genome by pulsed-field agarose gel electrophoresis Baril,C.;I. Saint Girons
- J. Bacteriol. v.174 Scattering of the rRNA Genes on the Physical Map of the Circular Chromosome of Leptospira interrogans Serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae Baril, C.;J. L Herrmann;C.Richaud;D.Margarita;I.Saint Girons
- J. Med. Miccrobiol. v.46 Differentiation of Leptospira species and serovars by PCR-restriction endonuclease analysis, arbitrarily primed PCR and low-stringency PCR Brown, P.D.;P.N. Levett
- Epidemiol. Infect. v.121 Infection rate of Leptospira interrogans in the field rodent, Apodemus agrarius, in Korea. Cho, M.K.;S.H.Kee;H.J.Song;K.H.Kim;K.J.Song;L.J.Baek;H.H.Kim;H.B.Oh;Y.W.Kim;W.H.Chang
- Methods in Microbiol. v.11 Serological typing methods of Leptospires Dickken,H.;E.Kmety
- WHO Offset Publication No. 67 v.62 Guidelines for the control of leptospirosis Faine, S.
- J. Bacteriol. v.173 Genome Conservation in Isolates if Leptospira interrogans Herrmann, J.L.;C. Baril;E.Bellenger;P.Perolat;G.Baranton;I.Saint Girons
- J. Clin. Microbiol. v.30 Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis of Not I Digests of Leptospiral DNA: a NEW Rapid Method of Serovar Identification Herrmann, J.L.;E.Bellenger;P.Perolat;G.Baranton;I.Saint Girons
- J. Gen. Microbiol. v.139 Characterization of Leptospiraceae by 16S DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms Hookey,J.V.
- Infection and Immunity v.59 Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoretic Analysis of Leptospiral DNA Kathleen, A.;Taylor, Alan G. Barbour;D. Denee Thomas
- Classification of the species Leptospira interroghns and history of its serovars Kmety,E.;H.Dikken
- Bull. WHO. v.42 Future standardization of the agglutiniu-adsorption test in the serology of leptospires Kmety, E.;M.M. Galton;C.G. Salzer
- J. Med. Microbiol. v.14 Identification of Leptosira serovars by restriction endonuclease analysis Marshall, R.B.;B.E. Wilton;A.J. Robinson
- J. Clin. Microbiol. v.25 DNA probe for detection of the Leptospires of serovar hardjo Lefebvre, R.B.
- J. Bacteriol. v.173 Phylogenetic analysis of the spirochetes Paster,B.J.;F.E. Dewhirst;W.G. Weisberg;L.A.Torddoff;G.J. Fraser;C.R. Woese
- Res. Microbiol. v.144 rRNA gene restriction patterns of Leptospira: a molecular typing system. Perolat, P.;F. Grimont;B. Regnault;P.A.D. Grimont;E. Fournie;H. Thevenet;G. Baranton
- J. Clin. Microbiol. v.32 Characterization of Leptospira isolates from serovar hardjo by ribotyping, arbitrarily primed PCR, and mapped restriction site polymorphisms Perolat, P.;F. Merine;W.A. Ellis;G.Baranton
- Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. v.42 Genetic characterization of pathogenic Leptospira species by DNA hybridization Ramadass, P.;B.D.W.Jarvis;R.J. Corner;D.Penny;R.B. Marshall
- Infect. Immun. v.60 Presence of putative sphingomyelinase genes among members of the family Leptospiraceae Segers, R.P.A.M.;J.A. Van Gestel;G.J.J.M. Van Eys;B.A.M. Van der Zeijst;W. Gaastra
- Nucl. Acid. Res. v.15 An electrophoretic karyotype for Schizosaccharomyces pombe by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis Smith, C.L.;T.Matsumoto;O.Niwa;S. Klco;J.B. Fan;M. Yagagida;C.R. Cantor
- GENE. v.215 Physical and genetic maps of the Leptospira interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae strain Ictero No.1 chromosome and sequencing of a 19-kb region of the genome containing the 5S rRNA gene Takahashi,Y.;K. Akase;H. Hirano;M. Fukunaga
- J. Vet. Res. v.47 Reclassification of north American leptospiral isolates belonging to serogroups Mini and Sejroe by restriction endonuclease analysis. Am. Theirmann, A.B.;A.L. Handsaker;J.W. Foley;F.H. White;B. Kingscote
- Nucleic acid and monoclonal antibody probes. Application in diagnostic microbiology Restriction endonuclease analysis and other molecular techniques in identification and classification of Leptospira and other pathogens of veterinary importance Thiermann,A.B.;R.B. Lefebvre;B. Swaminathan;G. Prakash(ed.)
- J. Gen. Microbiol. v.134 DNA hybridization with hardjobovis-specific rccombinant probes as a method for type discrimination of Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo Van Eys, G.J.J.M.;J. Zaal;G.J. Schoone;W.J. Terpstra
- J. Clin. Microbiol. v.29 Characterization of serovars of the genus Leptospira with hardjobovis and icterohaemorrhagiae recombinant probes with special attention to serogroup sejroe Van Eys, G.J.J.M.;M.J. Gerritsen;H. Korver;G.J. Schoone;C.C.M. Kroon;W.J. Terpstra
- Nucl. Acid. Res. v.18 Fingerprinting genomes using PCR with arbitary primers Welsh, J.;M. McClelland
- Nucl. Acid. Res. v.18 DNA polymorphisms amplified by arbitary primers are useful as genetic markers Williams, J.G.K.;A.R. Kubelik;K.J. Livak;J.A. Rafalski;S.V. Tingey
- Intl. J. Sys. Bacteriol. v.37 Deoxyribonucleic acid relatedness between serogroups and serovars in the family Leptospiraceae with proposals for seven new Leptospira specices Yasuda, P. H.;Steigerwalt, A.G.; Sulzer, K.R.; Kaufmann, A.F.;Brenner, D.J.
- Vet. Microbiol. v.24 Nucleic acid probe characterizes Leptospira interrogans serovars by restriction fragment length polymorphisms Zuerner, R.L.;C.A. Bolin