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- J. Bacteriol. v.109 Escherichia coli tryptophanase in the enteric environment Bostford, J.L.;R.D. Deomoss
- J. Nat'l Cancer Inst. v.54 Large bowel cancer: an epidemiologic jigsaw puzzle Burkitt, D.P.
- J. Surgical Oncology v.24 Induction of colon mucosal β-glucuronidase production as a mechanism for 1,2-Diemthylhydrazine colon carcinogenesis Celika,C.D.;A. Lewis;A. Middleman
- J. Natl. Cancer Inst. v.54 Tryptophanase of fecal flora as a possible factor in the etiology of colon cancer Chung, K.T.;G.E. Funk;M.W. Slain
- J. Natl. Cancer Inst. v.66 The cause of cancer;quantitative estimates of avoidable risk of cancer in the U.S. today Doll, R.;R. Peto
- Br. J. Cancer v.27 Environmental factor and cancer of the colon an breast Drassar, B.S.;D.Irving
- Cancer Res. v.35 Fecal bacteriology of colonic polyp patients and control patients Finegold, S.M.;D.J.A. Flora
- β-Glucosidase, methods of enzymatic analysis (2nd ed.) Fishman, W.H.
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- Adult disease and intestinal bacteria Kim, D.H.;M.J. Han
- Science v.199 β-Glucuronidase catalized hydrolysis of benzo-[α]-pyrene-glucuronide and binding to DNA Kinoshita, N.;H.V. Gelvoin
- Lancet v.30 Dietary fiber, transtime, fecal bacteria, steroids and colon cancer in two Scandinavian populations LARC
- J. Microbiol. v.132 Protein degradation by human intestinal bacteria Macfalane, G.F.;J.H. Cummings;C. Allison
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- J. Natl. Cancer Inst. Large bowel carcinogenesis-fecal constituents of populations with diverse incidences rates of colon cancer Reddy,B.S.;E.L. Wynder
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