The effececl of levanoclaose produced by levanase Croni Pseuc/olol~~o!!n.s sp. K-52 on pnnciple inlesimal microflorawas investigated. The reaction product, levanoctaose, was used as a carbon source for various intestinalmicroflora. Especially. Bijidobacteriulolr~ adolescentis and Lnctohaciilrrs ocidophilus grew effectively in vitroexpeiiments, whereas Clostridiunz per.frilol~gerzs, Bactetvid,~ngilis, Eschericlzin. coli, and Stnplzylococcus nureirsdid not. Therefore, levanoctdose seemed to proinole selectively the growth ol" B. ndo1escenti.r and L. acidol~hi-/us. In Lhe in viva experiments, the effects of levanoctaose on inlestinal nucroflora were examined on heirgrowth. $\beta$-fri~ctosidase acliviiy. and butyrate concenuation in rats. Appuently, die number of fecal Bifidobacteria.the amount of bulyrate, and $\beta$-hctosidase activity were increased, whereas total aerobes 'and pH werereduced in rals Eed leviu~octaose diets, cornpxed with hose of the control diets. We concluded hat those effecismay be beneficial in improving gastrointestinal health.astrointestinal health.
Pseudomonas sp. K-52 유래의 levanase 에 의해 생산되는 levanoctaose 가 growth factor로서 각종 장내미생물에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. In vitro 실험에서 0.5% levanoctaose를 탄소원으로 하여 glucose 일 경우와 상호 비교하여 분석한 결과 levanoctaose 는 Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens, Eubacterium limosum, Staphylococcus aureus 보다 Bifidobacterium adolescentis, Lactobacillius acidophilus, Bacteroid fragilis 등에 의해 효율적으로 이용되었다. 쥐를 이용한 in vivo 실험에서 탄소원의일부로 levanotaose를 제공한 경우, 장내 Bifidobacteria 수는 약 10배, butyrate 양은 2.3배, $\beta$-fructosidase 활성은 약 1.5배 증가하였다. 따라서 분리균주 Pseudomonas sp. K-2의 levanase로부터 생성되는 levanoctaose는 Bifidobacteria, Lactobacillus 와 같은 장내 유익균주에 선별적으로 이용되는 것이 확인되었다.