A Study on Dynamic Character of Landscape

경관의 동태성에 관한 연구

  • 강영조 (동아대학교 도시조경학부) ;
  • ;
  • Published : 1999.10.01


The objective of this study is to characterize the landscape retaining dynamic character through the distinction between the spatial structure and the landscape. In this study, the landscape was characterized by the image of environment viewed by human being. Firstly, the landscape was disscussed in terms of such three element as the environment viewed by human being, the psychological detachment from the environment and the meaning of image. Secondly, the dynamic character of the landscape was determined by the comparision between the spatial structure of the static elements and the landscape experience through the case study Soshe garden. In the study found that landscape experience depend on the dynamic viewpoint and human views while the spatial structure is stable and static. This study also found that landscape is an open system which can be diachronically transformed by human value, while spatial structure is a synchronic closed system.



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