대학연구성과의 기술이전 촉진을 위한 입법.정책적 개선방안

Desirable Legal Structure and Policy for the Promotion of Technology Transfer of Inventions at the Universities

  • 발행 : 1999.05.01


This article is dedicated to present a cornerstone for a desirable legal structure in the area of the administration and utilization of the intellectual property rights of the university research results sponsored by the government, and, in the long run, contribute to the industrial development of our country. In order to achieve that purpose, this article reviews basic theories and current status of the intellectual property regime for the research results sponsored by the government, and presents some suggestions for a desirable legal institution, in particular, including that 'Intellectual Property Rights Administration Center', should be established, an exclusive institution for the systematic administration of the follow-ups of the research results with speciality.
