- 數學史大全 金容雲;金容局
- 학교수학의 교육적 기초 우정호
- 초등수학교육론 이용률 (외 공저)
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- Learn from the Masters History of Mathematics Can Help Improve Istruction and Learning Avital, S.
- The History of Mathematics Burton, David M
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- Mathematics in The Time of Pharaohs Gillings, Richard J.
- History of Mathemactis (Second Edition) Katz, V. J.
- The Historical Roots of Elementary Mathematics Lucas N. H. Bunt;Phillp S. Jones;Jack D. Bedient
- Topics for the Mathematics Classroom NCTM
- Multicultural Mathematics Posers and Activities NCTM
- The World of Mathematics v.I Newman, James R.
- Connecting Mathematics across the Curriculum, NCTM 1995 Yearbook Connecting Mathematics with Its History: A Powerful, Practical Linkage Reimer, W.;Reimer, L.
- The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus; an ancient Egyptian text Robins, G.;Shute, C.
- The Teaching and Learning of Algorithms in School Mathematics, NCTM 1998 Yearbook Sgroi, L.
- History of Mathematics v.I;II Smith, D. E.
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