Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
- 제6권1호
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- Pages.101-106
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- 1999
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- 2384-1079(pISSN)
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- 2384-1087(eISSN)
건강한 영아에서 경피다자법 BCG 접종후 2TU 투베르쿨린 검사의 반응성
The Reactivity to 2TU PPD Tuberculin Skin Test after Percutaneous Multiple Puncture BCG Vaccination
- Roh, Hye Ok (Department of Pediatrics, Sungkyunkwan University, College of Medicine, Samsung Cheil Hospital and Women's Healthcare Center) ;
- Lee, Woo Gill (Department of Pediatrics, Sungkyunkwan University, College of Medicine, Samsung Cheil Hospital and Women's Healthcare Center)
- 발행 : 1999.05.15
목 적 : 최근 국내에서 결핵반응 검사 시약으로 2TU가 소개되면서 결핵의 예방화학 치료 의 기준에 대한 논란이 있어 왔다. 본 연구는 신생아기에 경피다자법으로 BCG를 접종 받은 영아에서의 2TU PPD 검사에 대한 반응을 관찰하고자 하였다. 방 법 : 성균관 의대 삼성제일 병원에서 출생후 생후 1개월째 외래에 방문하여 경피용 건조BCG 백신을 경피다자법으로 접종받고 접종 6개월 후에 추적이 가능하였던 476명을 대상으로 결핵반응 검사를 시행하였다. 검사는 RT23 2TU PPD를 사용하여 좌전박 내측에 0.1mL를 피내주사후 48~72 시간에 경결크기를 측정하였다. 판독시 결핵의 가족력과 BCG 반흔의 총수를 기록하였고 양전 판정은 경결 크기가 5mm 이상인 경우로 하였다. 결 과 : 전체 476명 중 남자 248명(52.1%), 여자 228명(47.9%) 였다. PPD 검사 시기는 BCG 접종후
Purpose : Tuberculosis, a major public health problem, is an important cause of childhood infectious diseases. To decrease the tuberculosis morbidity rate, BCG vaccination and chemoprophylaxis are performed. Recently 2TU PPD skin test was introduced as a diagnostic method for tuberculous infection. We studied the positive conversion rate of 2TU PPD test after percutaneous multiple puncture BCG vaccination. Methods : Four hundred seventy six infants from well baby clinic of Samsung Cheil Hospital were enrolled. They were immunized with percutaneous multiple puncture technique BCG(Japan BCG laboratory, Japan) at 1 month of age. Approximately 6 months later, tuberculin skin test using RT23 2TU PPD was performed. Induration size, family history of tuberculosis and number of BCG scars were evaluated. Induration greater than or equal to 5mm was defined as positive conversion. Results : Among 476 infants, 248(52.1%) were male and 228(47.9%) were female. PPD skin tests were performed