The Criteria and Methods for Evaluating of Internet Website Documents

인터넷 웹사이트 문서의 평가 기준 및 방법 - 내용적인 측면을 중심으로 -

  • 이응봉 (충남대학교 사회과학대학 문헌정보학과)
  • Published : 1999.03.01


The availability and growth of the Internet offers users the opportunity to find information and data all over the world. The development of the WWW has made the Internet easier to use, both for finding information and for publishing it electronically. Because so much information is available, and because that information can appear to be fairly 'anonymous', It is necessary to develop skills to evaluate what you find. Every printed information resources you find has been evaluated in one way or another before you ever see it. But when you are using the WWW, none of this applies. There are no filters between you and Internet. In addition, the ease of constructing Web documents results in information of the widest range of quality, written by authors of the widest range of authority, available on an even playing field Excellent information resources reside along side the most dubious. This study discusses the criteria arid methods by which scholars and researchers in most fields evaluate print information, and shows how the same criteria and methods can be used to assess Internet Website document. This study applied seven criteria, that is essential Web document element, authorship, publishing body, point of view or bias, referral to other sources, verifiability and currency. All information, whether in print or by byte, needs to be evaluated by users for some objective criteria and methods mentioned above. If you find information that is 'too good to be true', it probably is. Never use information that you can't verity. Always remember that the best counterfeit looks the most like the real thing. Establishing and learning criteria and methods to filter information you find on the Internet is a good beginning for becoming a critical consumer of information in all forms.

인터넷은 질적으로 통제되지 않는 가치없는 정보의 증가, 신뢰성의 저하, 비체계적이고 무조직적인 정보자원의 확산이라는 심각한 문제점을 안고 있다. 본고에서는 인터넷 정보자원의 일반적인 평가기준을 근거로 하여, 내용적인 측면에 초점을 맞추어 저작성, 발행기관 관점/선입관, 학문적 지식, 정확성/실증 및 최신성 그리고 웹사이트 문서의 기본요소의 일곱 가지의 항목을 설정하여 사용자 개개인의 입장에서 인터넷상의 웹사이트에 수록되어 있는 문서들을 탐색하여 이용할 경우 해당 문서의 평가에 적용될 수 있는 기준 및 방법을 제시하였다.



  1. Criteria for Ecaluation of Internet Information Resources Alastair Smith
  2. Testing the Surf:Criteria for Evaluating Internet Information Resources Alastair Smith
  3. Evaluating World Wide Web Information Ann Scholz-Crane
  4. Computers in Libraries v.16 no.5 Evaluating Information on the Internet Brandt, D. Scott
  5. Understanding and Decoding URLs Elizabeth E. Kirk
  6. Information Retrieval and the Internet Elizabeth E. Kirk
  7. The Library Journal v.14 no.1 The Internet: Which Future for Organized Knowledge. Frankenstein or Pygmalion? Floridi, L.
  8. Hobbes' Internet Timeline v3.3
  9. Evaluating Quality on the Net Hope N. Tillman
  10. Tips for Evaluating a World Wide Web Search Jana Edwards
  11. College and Research Libraries News Five Criteria for evaluating Web pages Jim Kapoun
  12. The Good, The Bad and the Useless:Evaluating Internet Resources Judith Edwards
  13. Criteria for Evaluating Information Resources Julie Kwan
  14. Online User Critiquing the Quality of Your Search Results-It's Not What You Know, It's.... Quint Babara
  15. Evaluation Criteria-The Good, The Bad & The Ugly or Why it's a Good Idea to Evaluate Web Source Susan E. Beck
  16. Scholarly Societies Project University of Waterloo Electronic Library
  17. Evaluating Websites William M. K. Trochin