모던.고딕시대 복식과 포스트모던.르네상스시대 복식의 유사성 비교

Comparison on Similarity of Clothing between Modern and Gothic, and between Post-Modern and Renaissance Period

  • 박숙현 (경성대학교 생활과학부 의상학)
  • 발행 : 1999.04.30


The purpose of this study is to compare the similarity of clothing between Modern and Gothic, and between Post-Modern and Renaissance Period. The results are as followes: The beauty of ideal body was changed from unemphasis of body line to emphasis of the erotic espects of body. The style of clothing was changed from simple and functional in order to give freedom in action, to various and complicated in from, and even uncomfortable in order to emphasize individuality. Decoration on clothing like details, trimmings, and various accessories were not prefered in Gothic and Modem Period, but very popular in Post-Modern and Renaissance Period.
