Dialkylamine (di-)nitrobenzoates as vapor corrosion inhibitor were synthesized with dialkylamines and (di-)nitrobenzoic acids. The compounds were analyzed by elemental analyzer, FT-IR and $^1H$-NMR spectrophotometer. Corrosion inhibition of synthetic compounds and additives [$(NH_4)_2CO_3$, $NaHCO_3$] against ferrous and non-ferrous metal was investigated by potentiostatic method [1% (w/v) corrosion inhibitor in 1M $Na_2SO_4$ aqueous solution] respectively. For corrosion inhibition of ferrous metal, dialkylamine 4-nitrobenzoates were better inhibitor than dialkylamine 3, 5-dinitrobenzoates, the passivating current density ($i_p$) of dialkylamine 4-nitrobenzoate was shown $4.78mA/cm^2$. While, for non-ferrous metal, dialkylamine 3, 5-dinitrobenzoates were better, those of dipropylamine 3, 5-dinitrobenzoate and hexamethyleneimine 3, 5-dinitrobenzoate were shown 36 and $37mA/cm^2$. Additive effect of $(NH_4)_2CO_3$ and $NaHCO_3$ for corrosion inhibition of ferrous metal was excellent but that of non-ferrous metal was not. Optimum ratios of diethylamine 4-nitrobenzoate with $(NH_4)_2CO_3$ and $NaHCO_3$ were 4 : 6 and 5 : 5 (V/V), and passivating current densities ($i_p$) of the mixtures were shown 0.26 and $0.85mA/cm^2$, respectively.
방청제로 dialkylaminc (di-)nitrobenzoates 14개 화합물을 합성하고 첨가제 효과와 함께 방청성능을 조사하였다. 합성화합물은 원소분석, FT-IR, $^1H$-NMR 분석으로 확인하였으며, 합성한 화합물과 첨가제 [$(NH_4)_2CO_3$, $NaHCO_3$]의 방청성능은 방청제를 1 M $Na_2SO_4$ 용액에 1% (w/v) 용해시켜 potentiostatic method로 분극실험하여 조사하였다. 철에 대해 dialkylamine 3, 5-dinitrobenzoates보다 dialkylamine 4-nitrobenzoates 부동태화 전류밀도 ($i_p$)가 작았으며, diethylamine 4-nitrobenzoate 용액에서 낮은 값 ($i_p$; $4.78mA/cm^2$)을 나타내었다. 비철에 대한 $i_p$값은 dialkylamine 3, 5-dinitrobenzoates가 작았고 dipropylamine 3, 5-dinitrobenzoate와 hexamethyleneimine 3, 5-dinitrobenzoate가 낮은 값 ($i_p$; 36, $37mA/cm^2$)을 나타냈다. 방청제에 $(NH_4)_2CO_3$와 $NaHCO_3$ 첨가효과는 철에 대해 높은 부식억제 효과를 나타냈으나, 비철에서는 좋은 결과를 얻지 못하였다. 철용 방청제 diethylamine 4-nitrobenzoate와 $(NH_4)_2CO_3$, $NaHCO_3$의 최적 혼합비율은 4 : 6과 5 : 5이며, 부동태화 전류밀도 ($i_p$)는 0.26, $0.85mA/cm^2$의 최소값을 각각 나타내었다.