Supported by : 통상산업부
- Electroplating of Plastics R. Weiner
- Products Finishing G. A. Kruric
- J. Plating and surface Finishing v.75 R. M. Gresham
- Polymer Plast. Technol. Eng. v.2 I. A. Abu-Isa
- Plastics Finishing and Decoration S. Donatas
- Standard and Guidelines for Electroplated Plastics American Society of Electroplated Plastics
- ABS Plastic C. H. Basdekis
- Polymer Hand Book(2nd ed.) Brandrup
- Plating v.52 E. B. Saubestre
- J. Electrochem. Soc. v.10 G. V. Elmore
- Proc. 7th International Metal Finishing Conference K. Weibusch
- Plating v.4 G. Salvago
- Metal Finishing v.1 H. Strow