Increasing consumer demand for recycle of most paper products is challenging manufacturers to use lower value raw materials while maintaining high quality. This study was carried out to investigate the composition of old corrugated containers (OCC) and to manufacture printing and writing papers of over 85% (ISO) brightness by ECF and TCF bleaching from OCC. Fiber length of American old corrugated container (AOCC) was longer than that of Korean old corrugated container (KOCC) in fiber length. The former was composed of unbleached kraft pulp (UKP) of about 80 percentage, the latter about 20 percentage. OCC is feasible for manufacturing of pulps i.e., AOCC is for printing and writing papers and KOCC is for whiteboards, in the aspects of brightness and mechanical properties on the other hand, the cost of manufacturing upgraded papers by OCC is high because of bleaching chemicals. Neverthless, considering various aspects, especially environment, there are many advantages in recycling. In case of the treated AOCC pulp, over 85% (ISO) brightness can be achieved through TCF or ECF bleaching step, while the treated KOCC pulp did not allow high brightness through TCF bleaching. The tensile index of the bleached KOCC pulp was lower than that of the bleached AOCC pulp, but the burst and tear index of KOCC was higher than that of AOCC.
OCC의 구성 특성을 조사하고 OCC로부터 elemental chlorine free (ECF)나 totally chlorine free (TCF) 표백을 통한 백색도 85% (ISO) 이상의 인쇄 및 필기용지를 제조하기 위한 연구가 수행되었다. American old corrugated containers (AOCC)는 Korean old corrugated containers (KOCC)보다 섬유길이가 길며, 주로 장섬유로 구성되어 있고 전자의 경우 약 80%가 unbleached kraft pulp (UKP)로 구성되어 있으나 후자는 20% 정도였다. 또한 KOCC의 경우 회분함량 (9.7%)과 NaOH 추출물 (19.3%)이 AOCC보다 현저히 높았다. AOCC로부터 ECF 표백이 가능한 펄프 (kappa no. 25이하, 수율 70%)를 생산하기 위한 증해조건은 활성알칼리 20%, 황화도 25%, Anthraquinone (AQ) 0.1%, 펄핑온도 $170^{\circ}C$, 증해시간 90분이다 (kappa no. 22.6, 수율 68%). KOCC의 경우는 증해시간을 60분으로 단축시킬 수 있었다. (kappa no. 16.4, 수율 66%) 증해된 AOCC 펄프를 TCF나 ECF 표백단계를 거치면 백색도 85% (ISO) 이상의 펄프를 생산할 수 있었다. 그러나 KOCC 펄프는 TCF 표백으로서 목표 백색도를 달성할 수 없었다. 표백 KOCC 펄프는 표백 AOCC 펄프에 비하여 연장지수가 낮으나 파열지수와 인열지수는 오히려 높은 경향을 나타내었다.