Phytochemical Constituents from Melampyrum roseum var. hirsutum Beauv.

털며느리밥풀의 식물화학적 성분

  • 노종화 (성균관대학교 약학대학) ;
  • 지옥표 (성균관대학교 약학대학) ;
  • 문형인 (성균관대학교 약학대학)
  • Published : 2000.06.30


The herb of Melampyrum roseum var. hirsutum Beauv. was extracted with methanol and the extract was fractionated with n-hexane, chloroform, ethylacetate and n-buthanol. Repeated column chromatography of silica gel, Sephadex LH-20 and Lobar-A lichroprep Si 60 led to the isolation of five compounds from n-hexane layer and ethylacetate layer. These compounds were identified as apigenin, linarin, pectolinarin, wogonin and mussaenoside, respectively, by the physicochemical and spectral properties.
