Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology (한국식품과학회지)
- Volume 32 Issue 5
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- Pages.1043-1050
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- 2000
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- 0367-6293(pISSN)
Proximate Composition and Calorie of Korean Instant Noodles
라면의 일반성분과 열량
- Kim, Min-Ji (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Dankook University) ;
- Shin, Soong-Nyong (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Dankook University) ;
Kim, Sung-Kon
(Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Dankook University)
- Published : 2000.10.31
The nutritional value of commercial instant noodles produced in summer and winter seasons were investigated. Only the noodle itself was used for the analysis. The content of carbohydrate was calculated by difference. The calorie was estimated by using a conversion factor of 4.32 for protein, 9.21 for fat and 4.20 for carbohydrate. Bag-type instant noodles had higher moisture, but lower content of fat and calorie compared with bowl-type products. No seasonal variations on composition and calorie were found. The calorie was negatively correlated with moisture or carbohydrate content, and positively correlated with fat content. The calorie estimated from linear regression equation of calorie vs. moisture was similar to the value calculated using a conversion factor, which implies that the calorie of the instant noodle can be simply estimated from the moisture content. The intakes of calorie from fat accounted for 30.8% and 34.1% from bag-type and bowl-type noodles, respectively. The content of ash and fat, and calorie were significantly decreased upon cooking, which were more pronounced in the bowl-type products. At the same moisture contents the loss of calorie for bag-type products was 3.5% and for bowl-type ones was 7.7%.
시판 라면(봉지면과 용기면)의 국수를 대상으로 생산시기(여름과 겨울)별 성분 차이, 조리중 영양소 손실양, 조리 라면의 성분과 열량을 분석하였다. 라면의 지방으로부터 섭취할 수 있는 열량은 라면 전체 열량을 기준으로 하면 봉지면의 경우 30.8%, 용기면의 34.1%가 지방으로부터 유래하였다. 라면을 생산시기별로는 일반성분과 열량에 차이가 없었고, 용기면은 봉지면보다 수분 함량이 낮았고, 지방 함량과 열량이 컸다. 열량은 수분 또는 탄수화물함량과 부(-)상관관계를, 지방함량과는 정(+)상관관계를 보였다. 라면 열량은 수분 함량만으로 예측이 가능하였고, 조리에 의한 열량 손실은 봉지면이 3.5%, 용기면이 7.7%이었으나 실제 라면 소비시 국물을 모두 섭취하는 경우 열량 손실은 문제가 되지 않는다.