Analysis of Drug Compliance Status for the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Treatment Patients

호르몬대체요법 환자의 복약실태분석

  • Published : 2000.06.01


This study is intended to provide information to menopausal women so they can control their symptoms. The basic data was gathered by interviewed 200 postmenopausal women on a HRT program. The women were questioned about their perception of menopause and compliance to the therapy with the fellowing result $71.7\%$ of the women experianced hot flushes, and $64.1\%$ experienced short term memory loss and some psychological symptoms. The women reported that these symptoms reduced their quality of life. $53\%$ of the women responded that menopause is a natural state and $59.1\%$ agreed to HRT based on their doctor's recommendation. $76.2\%$ of the women reported that HRT was effective, with $74.7\%$ reporting reduced hot flush symptoms $67.3\%$ of the women reported compliance with the medication schedule. and $43.9\%$ reported periodic non-compliance. Although HRT has been shown to be an effective treatment, the study found that less than $10\%$ of postmenopausal women are currently being treated and these treated women are generally negligent in continuing with HRT, The study recommends that a program be developed that explains the benefits and risks of HRT to be distributed to patients being treated by doctors and pharmacists. In conclusions, It is very important for hormone replacement therapy on menopausal women to take more intensive medication consultation to increase medication compliance and effectiveness of pharmacotherapy.
