Study on the Anti-cancer, Anti-metastasis and Immune response improvement Effects of Aqua-acupuncture with Rubi Fructus infusion solution

항암(抗癌) 및 면역효과(免疫效果)에 복분자약침(覆盆子藥鍼)이 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Lee, Seon-Hee (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate School, Taejon University) ;
  • Lee, Byung-Ryul (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate School, Taejon University)
  • 이선희 (대전대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실) ;
  • 이병렬 (대전대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실)
  • Published : 2000.03.20


To study the effects of anti-cancer, anti-metastasis and immune response improvement effects of aqua-acupuncture with Rubi Fructus infusion solution, we used Rubi Fructus infusion solution(taken by water-alcohol method) put into Chung-wan (CV12) and Chok-Samni(ST36) of BALB/c or C57BL/6 which are corresponding to humanbody. We observed the cytotoxicity, the effect on the expression of MMP-9 gene, the ability to control cancer cell proliferation, change of body weight, surviving number, median surviving time, increase of life span, changes in amount of leukocyte, erythrocyte, platelet, total protein, creatinine, glucose and LDH, weight of spleen, number of pulmonary colony, histological analysis on tissue metastasis of lung and liver, splenic cell proliferation, the expression of cytokine gene, the number of $CD4^+$, $CD8^+$, $CD19^+$ and NK cell, and concluded like this. The results were obtained as follows : 1. Effects of Anti-cancer 1) The cytotoxicity about B16-F10 cell line of $2^0$, $2^{-1}$, $2^{-2}$, $2^{-3}$, $2^{-5}$, $2^{-6}$, $2^{-7}$, $2^{-8}$ diluent groups in Rubi Fructus infusion solution treatment was inhibited significantly, compared with control group. 2) The cytotoxicity about HT1080 cell line of $2^0{\sim}2^{-8}$ diluent groups in Rubi Fructus infusion solution treatment was inhibited significantly, compared with control group. 3) The effect on expression of MMP-9 gene was inhibited significantly in all the sample groups, compared with control group. 4) The effect on the control-ability on the cancer cell proliferation showed cytotoxicity significantly in $2^0$, $2^{-1}$, $2^{-2}$, $2^{-3}$, $2^{-4}$, $2^{-5}$, $2^{-6}$, $2^{-7}$, diluent groups. 2. Effects of Anti-metastasis 1) S-180 cancer cell line transplants in BALB/c mice were inhibited significantly in weight increase in all the sample groups, compared with control group. The surviving number increased in almost sample groups, except one group put into Chok-Samni(ST36) with 20% Rubi Fructus infusion solution treatment group that showed same number of the control group. 2) S-180 cancer cell line transplants in BALB/c mice showed high MST significantly in almost sample groups, compared with control group. But one group put into Chok-Samni(ST36) with 20% Rubi Fructus infusion solution showed low MST than control group. 3) The group injected in vein with B16-F10 cancer cell line in C57BL/6 mice showed increased ILS than control group significantly in anti-metastasis test. 3. Effects of Immune response improvement 1) The group injected in vein with B16-F10 cancer cell line in C57BL/6 mice were increased significantly in the number of leukocyte and glucose, and decreased significantly in the amount of platelet and LDH, compared with control group. However, there's no significant increase or decrease in number of erythrocyte, total protein and creatinine. 2) We couldn't find any significant relation in spleen weight of the sample group. 3) In pulmonary colony, sample group was decreased significantly, compared with control group. 4) Histological analysis of sample group inhivited compared with that of control group in both of lung and liver. 5) In immune system, all the sample groups showed having more relevancy to the effect on splenic cell proliferation than normal group. 6) Cytokine gene increased in almost sample groups, except one group treated with $50{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ Rubi Fructus infusion solution on IL-12. 7) In flow cytometry there's no significant relation in number of $CD8^+$ cell, however, the number of $CD4^+$, $CD19^+$ cell and NK cell in sample group had more relation than in control group. Above the results showed that aqua-acupuncture of Rubi Fructus solution has effects of anti-cancer, and-metastasis and immune response improvement.



  1. 종양학 서울대학교 의과대학(편)
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  9. 鍼灸大成 楊繼州
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  22. 면역학 강의 정태호
  23. 精校黃帝內經 洪元植(編)
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  25. 藥鍼製制와 臨床應用 大韓鍼灸學會(編纂)
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  66. Lab.Clin.Med. v.21 Kingsley,G.J.
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