Journal of East-West Nursing Research (동서간호학연구지)
- Volume 5 Issue 1
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- Pages.7-18
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- 2000
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- 1226-4938(pISSN)
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- 2671-8448(eISSN)
Effects of Bu-Hang Therapy on Sore as Immediate Nursing Intervention
직접간호중재로서 부항요법이 욕창에 미치는 효과
- Kim, Kwuy-Bun (School of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University) ;
- Chae, Jeong-Sook (School of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University)
- Published : 2000.12.31
This study was experienced study of one group pretest-posttest design to confirm the effects of Bu-Hang therapy on sore and the study of subjects were high-danger group of developing sore that were instituted in Chung-Book A area. The data collection was conducted 11 subjects of high-danger group on developing sore as participants agreed in study after assessing sore danger-degree of 30 subjects with institute administrator. The duration of study was carried out between March, 1999 and September, 2000. The instrumental tool of study was assessing tool of modified sore danger-degree that was based on Braden Scale(1985) by developing of Bergstorm. The subjects of study were applied on sore site or easily developing site by Geon-Hang technique, one time for one day. The assess of sore duration treatment period were measured area of sore, assessed state of skin by Bergstrom, Braden, Lanquzza & Holman(1987). The analysis of collected data were showed by frequency, percentage on demographic characteristics. And effects of Bu-Hang therapy on sore were confirmed by contrast comparison of signal-test or case studies. The results of study were described below. 1. Bu-Hang therapy effected to inhibit of developing sore and decrease of sign and symptom on sore in 11 subjects, all(P=.010). 2. Bu-Hang therapy decrease of sign and symptom on sore in 6 subjects of case studies, all(P=.031). Conclusively, Bu-Hang therapy will facilitate for nursing intervention on sore. But this study was difficult to confirm effects of Bu-Hang therapy pretest-posttest design. Therefore, Bu-Hang therapy is high enable to decrease for sore but, yet is needed to monitor affectively for nursing intervention.