Journal of East-West Nursing Research (동서간호학연구지)
- Volume 5 Issue 1
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- Pages.75-89
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- 2000
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- 1226-4938(pISSN)
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- 2671-8448(eISSN)
Literature View of East-west Nursing on Elderly Sexuality
노년기 성에 대한 동.서 간호학적 고찰
- Kim, Kwuy-Bun (School of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University) ;
- Sok, So-Hyune (School of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University) ;
- Oh, Hye-Kyung (School of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University)
- Published : 2000.12.31
Today, elderly population have tendency to increasing much fast in the world. As aging. elderly people have been changing more in physical, psychological, mental and there is spring to more concerns of health management on old period. But particularly sexuality have been little viewed in health management of elderly people. This is considered that there is bring on complex issues of mental-social, social. cultural, psychological, physical situation with negligence of sexuality on elderly-selves. This research was attempted to provide as basic data for east-west nursing intervention of elderly sexuality through literature view about east-west nursing view and management on elderly sexuality that we attend yet. Conclusively, oriental nursing management, for sexual management of elderly people, is ; 1. Decrease coitus times as physical conditions. 2. If sexual need is present, it don't inhibit painfully. 3. Somebody who have hepatitis, diabetes, heart disease, poor constitution avoids coitus. And western nursing management, for sexual management of elderly people, is ; 1. There is approaching with psychological, pharmacological, technical, surgical area in healthy sexual rehabilitation by Smith(1999). 2. Psychological-Social approaching method by Hooyman & Kiyalk(1996) can be provided for elderly sexuality. As this, concrete nursing intervention can be applied and additional counsel is needed with professional medical-nursing team. Through there understand and percept importance and need of elderly sexuality management on results of literature view, as above, concrete east-west nursing intervention of elderly sexuality will be researched. And research which confirm the meaning, How elderly people, themselves have been perceived, will be processed. This will have more contribution on elderly-oriented nursing intervention without false viewing of elderly sexuality.