제조조건을 달리한 유과의 품질 비교

Comparison of Some Characteristics Relevant to Yukwa(Fried Rice Cookie) made by Different Processing Conditions

  • 최영희 (경북대학교 사범대학 가정교육과) ;
  • 윤은경 (경북대학교 사범대학 가정교육과) ;
  • 강미영 (경북대학교 사범대학 가정교육과)
  • 발행 : 2000.02.01


Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of Yukwa(fried rice cookie) made by different processing condition were investigated to estabilish the optimum expansion of Yukwa. The expansion rate and crispness of Yukwa prepared by soaking waxy rice for 24 hours was satisfactory . Addition of 15% soy slurry gave better effect on increasing the expantion rate, crispiness and sensory preference than no addition of soy slurry . Yeast, Soju(distilled liquor) , Mackeali(rice wine, turbid) and Chunju(rice wine, clear) as expansion reagent were added to Yukwa prepration . Yeast and Mackeali among tested expansion reagent showed better expansion rate and lower hardness meausred by texturometer than Chunju. Yukwa added chungju showed more fine structure and lower expantion rate than others. Microwave puffed Yukwa was less expansion rate, but same level of crispiness and hardness compared with oil puffed. And no difference in sensory characteristics such as degree of crispiness and stickiness of microwave puffed and oil puffed.



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