- 불일회보 no.6월,7월호 진심직설에 대하여 이종익
- 보조국사 지눌의 사상 진심직설의 사상사적 의의 鎌田茂雄
- 수다라 v.3 진심직설과 涅槃無名論-頓悟漸修의 사상배경 頓然
- 구산논집 v.3 진심직설을 통해서 본 眞心과 悟修의 구조 이창구
- 普照思想 v.12 法集別行錄節要幷入私記를 통해 본 普照 三門의 성격 최연식
- 普照思想 v.12 고려후기 蒙山法語의 수용과 간화선의 전개 조명제
The purpose of this study is to examine whether the Jinsim-Jikseol was written by Ji-Nul or not. The book with were known so far have been thought in that they had a Susimgyul and were attaced Gecho-Simhak-Inmun. But we now know that the edlited state of known were not the reflection of those times but the result of artificially editing by peple later. The contents of Jinsim-Jikseol are differed from that of others in understanding of the system of Sam-Mun and Cheyoungwan. The results based on this study is that the possibility which Jinsim-Jikseol is not work of Ji-Nul is quitely high. And it will be help to understand the ideas of Ji-Nul more systematically and articulately.