- J. Bacteriol. v.156 Adherence of Clostridum thermocellum to cellulose Bayet,E.A.;R.Kenig;R.Lamed
- J. Bacteriol. v.162 Sequence of celluase gene of the thermophilic bacterium Clostridum thermocellum Beguin,P.;P.Cornet;J.P.Aubert
- Biochemistry v.35 Dissociation of the cellulosome of Clostridium thermocellum in the presence of ethlene diaminetelraacetic acid occurs with the formation of truncated polypeptides Choi,S.K.;L.G.Ljungdahl
- Biochemistry v.35 Structural role of calcium for the organization of the cellulosome of Clostridium thermocellum Choi,S.K.;L.G.Ljungdahl
- Microbial enzymes and biotechnology Cellulose degradation by fungi Coughlam,M.P.;W.M.Fogarty(ed.);C,T,Kelly(ed.)
- The prokaryotes, 2nd ed. Cellulose-decomposing bacteria and their enzyme systems. i Coughlan,M.P.;F.Mayer;A.B.Balows(ed.)
- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA v.91 Cl-Cx revisited: Intramolecular synergism in a celluase Din,N.;H.G.Damude;N.R.Gikes;R.C.Jr.Miller;R.A.Warren;D.J.Kiburn
- Ann. Rev. Microbiol. v.47 The cellulosome: the exocellular organelle of Clostridum Felix,C.R.;L.G.Ljungdahl
- FEMS Microbiol. Lett. v.94 Cloning of a Clostridium thermocellum DNA fragment encoding polypeptides that bind the catalytic components of the cellulosome Fujino,T.;P.Beguin;J.P.Aubert
- Mol. Microbiol. v.8 Sequencing of a Clostridum thermocellum gene(cipA)encoding the cellulosomal SI protein reveals an unusual degree of internal homology Gergross,V.T.;P.M.Romaniec;N.S.Huskisson;A.L.Deman
- FEMS Microbiol. Lett. v.51 A catalogue of Clostridum thermocellum endoglucanase. β-glucosidase and xylanase genes cloned in Eschericha coli Hazlewood,G.P.;M.P.N.Romamee;K.Davidson;O.Grepinet;P.Beguin;J.Millet;O.Raynaud;J.P.Aubert
- J. Biochem. Biophys. Meth. v.11 Determination of reducing sugars in the nanomole range with tetrazolum blue Jue,C.K.;P.N.Lipke
- J. Bacterol v.181 Cloning and sequence analysis of a new cellulase gene encoding CelK, a majo cellulosome component of Clostridium thermocellum evidence for gene duplication and recombination Kataeva,I.;X.L.Li;H.Chen;S.K.Choi;L.G.Ljungdahl
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.56 Subunit composition and glycoside activities of the cellulase complex from Clostridium thermocellum JW20 Kohrung,S.;J.Wiegel;F.Mayer
- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA v.92 The anchorage function of CipA(Cell).a scaffolding protein of the Clostridum thermocellum cellulosome Kruus,K.;A.C.Lua;A.L.Demain;J.H.D.Wu
- J. Bacteriol. v.177 Exoglucanase activities of the recombinant Clostridium thermocellum CelS, a major cellulosome component Kruus,K.;W.K.Wang;J.Ching;J.H.D.Wu
- Nature v.227 Cleavage of structural proteins during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4 Laemmh,U.K.
- Lipids v.1 Chromatographic and electrophoertic technigucs Lake,B.D.;H.J.Goodwin;I.Smith(ed.);J.W.T.Seakins(ed.)
- Methods Enzymol v.160 Macromolecular complexes and yellow affinity substance from Clostridum thermocellum Ljungdahl,L.G.;M.P.Coughlan;F.Mayer;Y.Mori;K.Honami
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.53 Macromolecular organization of the cellulolytic enzyme complex of Clostridium thermocellum as revealed by electron microscopy Mayer,F.;M.P.Coughlan;Y.Mori;L.G.Ljungdahl
- J. Bacteriol v.173 Isolation and properties of a major cellobiohydrolase from the celluosome of Clostridum thermocellum Morag,E.;I.Halevy;E.A.Bayer;R.Lamed
- Biochimie v.63 Purification and properties of an endo-β-1,4-glucanase from Clostridium thermocellum Petre,J.;R.Longin;J.Millet
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.51 Properties of a Clostridium thermocellum endoglucanase produced in Eschericha coli Schwarz,W.H.;F.Grebrutz;W.L.Staudenbaucr
- FEBS Lett. v.291 Interaction of the duplicated segment carried by Clostridum thermocellum cellulase with cellulosome components Tokathds,K.;S.Salamitou;S.P.Beguin;P.Dhurjati;J.P.Aubert
- J. Bacteriol v.171 Cloning and DNA sequencing of the gene coding for Clostridium thermocellun cellulase Ss(CelS), a major cellulosome component Wang,W.K.;K.Kruus;J.H.D.Wu
- Biochem. J. v.121 The cellulase of Fusarium solani Purification and specificity of the β-1,4-D-glucanase and β-glucosidase components Wood,T.M.
- Biochemistry v.27 Two components of an extracellular protein aggregate of Clostridium thermocellum together degrade crystalline cellulose Wu,J.H.D.;W.H.D.Johnson;A.L.Demain