- 미생물학회지 v.36 Salmonella typhi KNIH100으로부터 aroA유전자의 클로닝과 염기서열 분석 길영식;신희정;김영창
- 대한미생물학회지 v.32 Salmonella type로부터 백신 후보주의 선발 주영란;정하용;이영희;이광준;박강수;황규잠;강영화;박용춘;최문찬;임재윤;배용수;김영창
- J. Gen. Microbiol. v.136 Isolation,characterization and nucleotide sequences of the aroC genes encoding chorismate synthase from Salmonella typhi and Escherichia coli. Charles,I.G.;H.Lamb.D.Pickard;G.Dougan;A.R.Hawkins
- Vaccine v.10 Construction of a genetically defined Salmonella typhi TY2 aroA,aroC mutant for the engineering a candidate oral typhoid-tetanus vaccine Chaticld,S.N.;N.Fairweather;I.Charles;D.Pickard;M.Levine;D.Hone;M.Posada;R.A.Strugnell;G.Dougan
- Dev. Biol. Stand. v.33 Controlled field trilas of three different oral killed typhoid vaccines in India. Chuttam.C.S.
- Infect, Immune. v.61 Expression of the murine interleukin-4 gene in an attenuated aroA strain of Salmonella typhmurum: Persistence and immune response in BALB/c mice and susceptibility to macrophage killing Denich,K.;P.Brim;P.O.O'hanley;M.Hward;A.W.Health
- Molecular and clinical aspects of bacterial vaccine development Diawer,A.A.A.;E.H.Carlos
- J. Infect. Dis. v.158 Construction and characterization of vaccine strains of Salmonella harboring mutations in two different aro genes Dougan,G.S.;Chatfield;D.Pickard;J.Bester;D.O'Callagahan;D.Maskell
- Vaccine v.8 In vitro characterization of Salmonella typhi mutant stains for live oral vaccines Dragunsky,E.M.;E.Rivera;H.D.Hochstein;I.S.Levenbook
- Biochem. J. v.238 The over-expression and complete amino acid sequence of Eschericha coli 3-dehydroquinase Duncan,K.;S.Chaudhuri;M.S.Campbell;J.R.Coggins
- J. Infect. Dis. v.131 Isolation and characterization of Gal E mutant Ty2la of Salmolella typhi: A cadidate strain for a live, oral typhoid vaccine Germanier,R.;E.Frer
- Vaccine v.9 Construction of genetically defined doubled aro mutants of Salmonella typhi Hone,D.M.;A.M.Harris;S.Chartfield;G.Dougan;M.M.Levine
- A short course in bacterial genethics Jeffrey,H.M.
- Mol. Gen Genet. v.186 Cloning and expression in Escherichia coh K12 of the biosynthetic dehyerquinase fuction of AROM cluster gene from the eukaryote Aspergillus mdulans Kinghom,J.R.;A.R.Hawkins
- Nucl. Acid. Res. v.8 Rapid isolation of high molecular weight plant DNA Murray,M.G.;W.F.Thompson
- Cellular and Molecular Biology. 1st ed. Biosynthesis of the aromatic amino acid. In Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurum Pittard,A.J.
- J. Bacterol v.91 Distribution and function of genes concerned with aromatic biosynthesis in Escherichia coli Pittard,J.;Wallace,B.J.
- Molecular cloning: a Laboratory Manual Sambrook,J.;T.Manniatis;E.F.Fritsch
- J. Gen. Microbiol. v.137 Molecular cloning and characterization of the aroD gene encoding 3-dehydroquinase from Salmonella typhi Servos,S.;S.Chafield;D.Hone;M.Levine;G.Dimitriadis;D.Pickard;G.Dougan;N.Fairweather;I.Charles
- J. Biol. Chem. v.260 A single amino acid substitution in the enzyme 5'-enolpyruvyshikimate 3-phosphate synthase cinfers resistance to the herbicide glyphosate Stalker,D.M.;W.R.Hiatt;L.Comai
- Vaccine v.6 Auxotrophic Salmonella typhi as live vaccine Stocker,B.A.D.
- J. Bacteriol. v.163 Genes aroA and serC of Salmonella typhumurum constitute an operon. Susan,K.H.;B.A.D.Stocker
- Vaccine v.6 Preparation and characterization of conjugates against typhoid fever Suz,S.C.;A.L.Stone;M.M.Levine;J.D.Robbins
- Microbiol. Immunol. v.41 Cloning and characterization of the aroA and aroD genes of Shigella dysenteriae type Ⅰ Walker,J.C.;N.K.Verma
- Infect. Immun v.9 Vi antigen from Salmonella typhosa and immunity aginst typhoid fever. Ⅰ. Isolation and immunologic properties in animals Wong,K.H.;J.C.Feeley;R.S.Northrup;M.E.Forlines