부산시 동아대학병원으로 내원한 83명의 환자 가건물로부터 methcillin 내성 Stphylococcus aureus(MRSA) 88 균주를 분리하고 응고 효소의 유형별 분석과 다약제 내성의 상호 관계를 연구하였다. 농(64.7%), 객담(26.2%), 기타 혈액, 장액 및 뇨로부터 균주가 분리되었고 mec A 유전자에 특이적인 primer 5'-AAAATCGATGGTAAAGGTT-GGC-3'와 5'-AGTTCTGCAGTACCGGATTTGC3'를 사용하여 PCR을 한결과 86균주에서 mec 유전자가 확인되었다. 응고효소형은 제 III형이 50%m IV형이 12.5%, III형이 6.8%, I, VII, VIII형이 4.5%로 제 II형이 가장 많았으며 제 V형은 전혀 분리되지 않았다. 응고효소형의 병동별 분포는 일반외과에서 제 II형이, 이비인후과 외래에서는 제 IV형이 우점종으로 분리되었다. 항균제 감수성 시험결과, vancomycin과 teicoplanin에서 전균주가 감수성을 나타내었었고 penionillin, cephalothin, erythromycin, gentamycin, imipenem, clindamycin, ciprofloxacin과 oxacillin등 8가지의 항균제에 대하여 동시내성을 나타낸 균주가 71주 (81%)였다. 항균제 내성과 응고효소형과의 상관관계는 없었다.
Eighty-eight strain3 o~methicillin resistant Stopllylococcus awecis were Isolated from pus (64.7%); spuhm (26.2%), blood, fluid, andurine of 83 patients at Dong-A Hospital in P~~san to invesligate theil-coagulase typ- Ing, and multi-drug resistaut ppattems. The presence of niec A gene confe~~ing melhicillin resistance was tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with uwo mec A gene specific primers using purified clromosonlal DNA as templates. DNA fragments of expected size wel-e detected frorn 86 strains, but not from two strains. !i coagulase typmg, the 86 isolates were assigned to 5 coagulase lypes, I, 11, lll. 1V, VI, VII, VIlI, but there was no isolate helong lo type V. The most abundant coagulase type was type TI(50 %), lollowed by type IV Rest ofthe coagulase types were ininor; ranging fmm 4.5 to 12.5 '% Most of the type I1 ~netlucillin resistant Stapl\ulcorneryiococcus nwem (MRSA) strams were isolated from the generd sulzely ward, but major strains of type IV were Isolated from the otorhinolq~ngology of the hospital's outpatient clinic center. All of the 88 st~nins were sensitive to vancomycin and teicoplanin, but 71 (81%) strains showed multi-drug resitant to penicillin, cephalotl~n, eiythroinycin, gentan~ycin, imipenem, clindamycin, ciprofloxacin and ooxacillin. Yo relationship was found between the antibiotic resistance pattems aud the coagulase typing patterns.