Three kinds of organic matter such as glucose, oxalic acid, and ethanol were added to the media(N-free or NO$\_$3/-riched) and their effects on the nitrogen fixation of Nostoc pruniforme were measured by manometric technique through the experiments in vivo. 1) The organic matters used in this experiments showed effective results as a role of substrate for the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. 2) In the nitrogen-free medium treated with the both of flucose nad ethanol, the highest nitrogen uptakes were detected in the treated of low concentrations (glucose ; 0.1%, 0.5%, ethanol : 0.1%, 0.5%). On the contrary, the highest nitrogen uptakes in NO$\_$3/-riched medium were measured at the treated of high concentrations (glucose ; 2%, 1%, ethanol ; 1.5%, 1.0%). 3) The highest nitrogen uptakes in N-free medium treated with oxalic acid were measured at the concentration of 2% and 1%, respectively. In the medium of NO$\_$3/-riched, the nitrogen uptakes were in the opposite directions.
질소 고정능이 있는 Nostoc pruniforme를 재료로, 3종의 유기물, glucose, oxalic, 및 ethanol을 N-free medium과 NO$^{[-993]}$ riched medium에 처리해 주었을 때 다음과 같은 효과를 얻었다. 1)N-free medium과 NO$^{[-993]}$ riched medium에서 위의 유기물 모두가 질소 고정과정의 energy원으로서 또는 substrate로서의 유효한 결과를 얻었다. 3)oxalic acid를 처리한 실험에서는NO$^{[-993]}$ richedmedium의 경우 고농도 처리구에서 질소고정량이 많았고 N-free medium은 그 반대의 결과였다. 4)비교구인 control의 질소 고정량은 일예를 제회하고는 전반적으로 고농도 처리구와 저농도 처리구의 중간에 위치했다.