Cytotoxicity of Daucus Carota L. on Various Cancer Cells

인체 암세포에 대한 당근 추출 성분의 세포독성효과

  • 배송자 (신라대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 한은주 (신라대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 노승배 (양산대학 식품가공과)
  • Published : 2000.02.01


We investigated the cytotoxic effects of roots and seeds Daucus carota L. on HepG2, HeLa, MCF7, SW626, C6 and NB41A3 cell lines by the MTT assay. Among extracts, the ethylacetate partition layer (DCMEA) of root of Daucus carota L. showed the strongest cytotoxic effects on HepG2, HeLa, C6 and NB41A3 cell lines. On the other hand, methanol(DCM), n-ethylacetate(DCMEA) and n-butanol(DCMB) extract of the seeds of Daucus carota L. also showed significant cytotoxic activities for all six cell lines. $\beta$-carotene, a well-known main component of Daucus carota L. was also tested for its cytotoxic effect. However, in all six cell lines, $\beta$-carotene falied to show significant cytotoxicity. Therefore, the anticancer effect of DCMEA of root fo Daucus carota L. and DCM, DCMH, DCMEA and DCMB extracts of seeds may be caused by components other than $\beta$-carotene. Futher studies are under way to isolate the compounds responsible for the significant cytotoxic activity.



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