천안/아산권역내 곡교천의 수질분석 및 지리정보체계를 이용한 유역 오염원 관리방안에 관한 연구

Water-Quality Analysis for Gokgyo Stream in Chonan Asan Region and Pollution Source Control Strategy Using GIS

  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


Chonan and Asan city have been a focal point due to rapid development as the first station for Express Railroad and key cities West Coast Development Region. Gokgyo stream adjacent to the cities plays an important role as a drainage channel for an agriculture and a discharger of urban storm water. Waster quality of the stream has been deteriorating caused by pollution sources such as a untreated wastewater discharge and runoff from the watershed. In the study, we conducted 4 surveys in April, May, July, and September to understand the current state of water quality for the stream and to make it possibe to predict future water-quality variation for future development. The system runs on a personal computer under the windows enviroment and provides extensive graphic user interface(GUI) for user-friendly assessment. Using the pull-down menus provided by the GUI panel, the user is able to operate the system by pointing and clicking the icon to identify the state of water-quality at locations concerned. Furthermore, we developed an integrated watershed management system. The constructed system could be a useful tool as a decesion maker for pollution source control strategy.



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  2. 대한상하수도학회 v.11 no.3 안양시 관내하천 수질모형 예측에 관한 연구 김갑진;이양구
  3. 대청호 영양염류 오염 부하량 관리방안에 관한 연구Ⅰ 국립환경연구원
  4. 아산시일대 수계의 수환경 변화 요인 이충근
  5. 아산시통계연보 아산시
  6. 건설과 자료 아산시
  7. 행정과 자료 아산시
  8. 기상관측소 자료 천안시
  9. 1996 GIS WORKSHOP 캐드랜드
  10. 수질관리 데이터베이스 및 환경 속성검색시스템 개발 캐드랜드
  11. 수질오염 공정시험
  12. Standard Method for the examination of water and wastesater Eaton,A.D.;L.S.Clesceri;A.E.Greengerg