20세기 후반 패션에 나타난 성 개념 변화추이 분석

The Analysis of the Transitional Aspect of Gender expressed in the Later 20th Century Fashion

  • 안소현 (부산대학교 생활과학대학 의류학과) ;
  • 이경희 (부산대학교 생활과학대학 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.07.01


The purpose of this paper is to deeply understand the transitional concept of gender expressed in the later 20th century fashion through analyzing of various literature. Gender is constructed in the context of social and culture different than sex which is inherent difference between man and women. Thus the concept of gender can be changed according to change of social and culture. There are imposing changes in gender since 60's owing to various factors; namely, feminism, subculture, deconstruction, development of technology, market economy, changing sex roles, etc. Especially in the 60's to 70's, as radical changes were took place, gender became vague more and more. Finally these days there is no fixed gender. In terms of meaning, there may be a number of genders-since there are as many meanings of sex as there are people who have thought about it. That is, sex is, gender means. Sex exists in itself, and is sublimely indifferent to what humans think of it, However gender is all the meanings we assign to sex. In accordance with this phenomena, people don't mind their sexes with appearance. There is only different disposition and taste.



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