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- J Dairy Sci v.80 Field trials of a vaccine against bovine mastitils: 1. Evaluation in heifers Giraudo, AJ.;Calzolari, A.;Rampone, H.;Rampone, A.;Giraudo, A.T.;Bogni, C.;Larriestra, A.;Nagel, R.
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- J Dairy Sci Immune recruitment and bactericidal activity of neutrophils in milk of cows vaccinated with Staphylococcal alpha toxin Herbelin, C;Poutrel, B;Gilbert FB;Rainard, P
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- J Dairy Sci v.76 Effect of a Staphylococcus aureus bactern on serum antibody, new infection, and mammary histology in nonlactating dairy cows Nickerson, SC.;Owens, WE;Boddie, RL
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- Aust Vet J v.74 Field trial of a staphyloccal mastitis vaccine in dairy herds: clinical, subclinical and microbiological assessments Watson, DL.;McColl, ML.;Davis, HI