Development of Gender Equity Instruction in Home Economics for the domain of Family Life in High School.

고등학교 가정과"가족" 영역에서의 양성평등 수업지도안 개발

  • Published : 2000.12.01


This study was conducted with three objectives. First of all we tired to find a momentum to boost the value of home economics education as a fixture of the curriculum by analyzing the relation between gender equity education and Home Economics Education. On the other hand it suggests the need of gender equity education in Home Economics Education the related measures and some applicable course of study. And For the purpose of exemplification this study was developed gender equity instruction in Home Economics Education. The results are as follows: First the recent gender equity education in our education system can be interpreted as giving equal education opportunity and equal education objective. Therefore this kind of theory results in the education of Home Economics for both the male and female students. This results can be valued as boosting the availability of Home Economics Education and providing a stepping stone for Home Economics Education Development. Second the ultimate objective of Gender Equity Education is to cultivate a person to be equipped with Gender Equity concept and to implement the concept. Therefore Home Economics Education (Ministry of Education 1995) which has the ultimate objective of improving the quality of the individual and family life can be the most important curriculum for understanding the abstract concept of Gender Equity and providing various practical contents. Third the Gender Equity Education in Home Economics can be realized through the following measures:(1) The efforts to positively restructure the education contents after analysing and evaluating the education contents in terms of the Gender Equity concept. For the purpose of exemplification, this study was developed ‘Gender Equity Instruction in Home Economics Education. (2) The development and application of an interesting course of study for both the male an female students (3) Providing the proper teachers for the male students who want to choose Home Economics.



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