A study on Blood pigments removal of butchery wastewater by heat processed Eggshell

Heat processed Eggshell에 의한 도축폐수의 혈색소 제거에 관한 연구

  • 박경식 (동강대학교 환경위생과)
  • Published : 2000.09.01


The purpose of this experimental study examine characteristics of blood pigments removal of butchery wastewater by heat processed eggshell, compare activated carbon with its efficiency. Calcined eggshell were classified into four kinds of mesh as HPES-32(Heat Processed Eggshell 32 $mesh=500{\mu}m$), HPES-48($300{\mu}m$), HPES-150($180{\mu}m$) and HPES-150($106{\mu}m$). And two contacting process of CMFA(Complete Mixing Float Adsorption) and FLFA(Fixing layer Flow Adsorption) Were used for getting removal efficiency of blood pigments. In case of using CMFA process, the removal efficiency of blood pigments was occurred as HPES-80>HPES-150>HPES-32, but in case of using FLFA process was occurred as HPES-150>HPES-80>HPES-48>HPES-32. The two results between CMFA and FLFA were differ in strength of removal efficiency of blood pigments.



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