Satisfaction of the Elderly toward Free Congregated Meal Service

경로식당 이용 노인의 급식 만족도 조사

  • 남혜원 (수원여자대학교 식품과학부) ;
  • 이영미 (경원대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 명춘옥 (오산대학교 식품조리과) ;
  • 이기완 (경원대학교 식품영양하과) ;
  • 박영심 (신흥대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2000.03.01


This study was designed to determine the attitude and degree of satisfaction of recipients toward the meal service program for elderly people. Nine hundred and eight elderly people(male: 301, female: 607) were interviewed by trained personnel. The results were as follows. Forty two percent of them had no income and 43.8% of the respondents were supported economically by the government. Their main reasons for attending the free congregated meal program was economic hardship(37.9%) The channels of becoming aware of the free meal program were through their friends(33.4%) and the meal service centers were located in the respondents residence area(36.0%) Thus any other advertisement from local government of official channels about the free meal program were not effective for the elderly 26.9% of the respondents felt inconvenience in visiting the meal service centers because they had some difficulty in walking, 53.5% of them however answered that they didn t have any complains and were quite satisfied with the meal service. The average satisfaction score for the free meal service was 63.4(maximum score 75) As for each evaluation item respondents were highly satisfied with volunteers attitude in meal serving(4.58$\pm$0.65: maximum 5 point) The evaluation score of females was generally lower than that of males(p<0.05) Oncemore, respondents who were in lowere socio-economic classes were marked by having significantly lower satisfaction scores for the meal service compared with higher scocio-economic classes. For the welfare of elderly people, meal service programs should be extended to more elderly persons and developed considering the elderlys ecological factors.
