- 대우학술총서 자연과학 중국수학사 김용운;김용국
- 韓國科學技術史?科大系 數學篇 김용운(편)
- 한국과학문화재단 과학고전시리즈 v.5 동양 최고의 수학서 구장산슬 유희(편);김혜영;윤주영(역)
- 화적편 2 v.8 홍명희;林巨正
- Vita Mathematica The Role of Problems in the History and Teaching of Mathematics Barbin;Evelyne;R. Calinger(ed.)
- A History of Mathematics Boyer;Carl B.
- 수학: 새로운 황금 시대(제2판) Devlin;Keith;허민(역)
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- Quadrants I and II In Mathematical Circles Eves; Howard
- Mathematical Circles Revisited Eves; Howard
- Mathematical Circles Squared Eves; Howard
- Return to Mathematical Circles Eves; Howard
- 수학의 위대한 순간들 Eves; Howard;허민;오혜영(역)
- Learn from the Masters! Trigonometry Comes Out of the Shadows Swetz;Frank J.;F. Swetz(ed.et al.)
- Learn from the Masters! Using Problems from the History of Mathematics in Class-room Instruction Swetz;Frank J.;F. Swetz(ed. et al.)
- Learn from the Masters! Alluvial Deposits, Conic Sections, and Improper Glasses, or History of Mathematics Applied in the Classroom van Maanes;Jan A;F. Swetz(ed. et al.)