수학 교육에 활용할 옛 문제 연구

  • 허민 (광운대학교 수학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


In this paper we collect the mathematical problems from the past which can be used in classroom instruction. These problems can show the cultural value and the utility of mathematics, and encourage learning and illuminate the concept being taught.



  1. 대우학술총서 자연과학 중국수학사 김용운;김용국
  2. 韓國科學技術史?科大系 數學篇 김용운(편)
  3. 한국과학문화재단 과학고전시리즈 v.5 동양 최고의 수학서 구장산슬 유희(편);김혜영;윤주영(역)
  4. 화적편 2 v.8 홍명희;林巨正
  5. Vita Mathematica The Role of Problems in the History and Teaching of Mathematics Barbin;Evelyne;R. Calinger(ed.)
  6. A History of Mathematics Boyer;Carl B.
  7. 수학: 새로운 황금 시대(제2판) Devlin;Keith;허민(역)
  8. 수학 세계 탐험기 Devlin;Keith;허민;오혜영(역)
  9. Quadrants I and II In Mathematical Circles Eves; Howard
  10. Mathematical Circles Revisited Eves; Howard
  11. Mathematical Circles Squared Eves; Howard
  12. Return to Mathematical Circles Eves; Howard
  13. 수학의 위대한 순간들 Eves; Howard;허민;오혜영(역)
  14. Learn from the Masters! Trigonometry Comes Out of the Shadows Swetz;Frank J.;F. Swetz(ed.et al.)
  15. Learn from the Masters! Using Problems from the History of Mathematics in Class-room Instruction Swetz;Frank J.;F. Swetz(ed. et al.)
  16. Learn from the Masters! Alluvial Deposits, Conic Sections, and Improper Glasses, or History of Mathematics Applied in the Classroom van Maanes;Jan A;F. Swetz(ed. et al.)