- 대한수학교육학회논문집 v.7 no.2 수학교육에서의 Hypermedia의 활용에 관한 연구: 문제해결 지원체계로서의 효율성을 중심으로 장경윤
- Geometry: A Model of the Universe Hoffer, A.
- The Geometer's Sketchapd [Software] Klotz, E.
- CABRI Geometry [Software] Larborde, J-M.
- Mathematics Teacher v.89 no.2 The Incredible Three-by-Five Card Lufkin, D.
- MicroSoft Visual Basic 4.0 [Software] MicroSoft Corp.
- Informatics and the teaching of mathematics The Impact of Computer Algebra on the Teaching of Mathematics Neuwirth, E.;D. Johnson(ed.);F. Lovis(ed.)
- Proceedings of the Sixth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, 1993-11-04~07 A Hypertext Tool for Student Exploration of Fundamental Computer Concepts Russell, C.R.;Dromsky, L.;L. Lum(ed.)
- Mathematics Teacher v.89 no.4 Theorems in Motion: Using Dynamic Geometry to gain Fresh Insights Scher, D.
- van Hiele levels in secondary school geometry (ERIC document Reproduction Sercive No. ED 220 288) Usiskin, Z.
- Space and geometry Breakthoghts in the Psychology of Learning and Teaching Geometry Wirzup, I.;L. Martin(ed.)
- Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching v.13 no.1 Constructing HyperMedia Artifacts in Math and Science Classrooms Wisnudel, M.
- Structure and insight van Hiele, P.M.