- 비트겐슈타인의 이해 비트겐슈타인의 이해를 위한 소묘 김여수
- Perspectives on the philosophy of Wittgenstein The Early Wittgenstein and the Middle Russell Blackwell, Kenneth;I. Block(ed.)
- Social Constructivism as a Philosophy of Mathematics Ernest, Paul
- Wittgenstein's Conception of Philosophy;비트겐슈타인의 철학이란 무엇인가? Fann, K.T.;황경식(역)
- Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Memoir Malcolm, Norman
- Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, trans. Pears and McGuinnes;논고-철학 논고 Wittgenstein, Ludwig;이영철(역)
- Philosophical Investigations, trans G.E.A. Anscombe;철학적 탐구 Wittgenstein, Ludwig;이영철(역)