Pathophysiology of Oral Mucositis induced by Anticancer Therapy

항암치료 후 발생하는 구강 점막염의 병태생리

  • Yoon, Jung-Hoon (Department of Oral Pathology, Oral Cancer Research Institute, School of Dentistry, Yonsei University) ;
  • Choj, Jong-Hoon (Department of Oral Medicine, Oral Cancer Research Institute, School of Dentistry, Yonsei University)
  • 윤정훈 (연세대학교 치과대학 구강병리학교실, 구강종양연구소) ;
  • 최종훈 (연세대학교 치과대학 구강내과학교실, 구강종양연구소)
  • Published : 2000.12.30


Oral mucositis or stomatitis produced by stomatotoxic chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy are painful, restrict oral intake and, importantly, act as sites of secondary infection and potals of entry for the endogenous oral microflora often leading to bacteremias or sepsis. A number of clinical observations and studies of animal model suggests a pathophysiological complexity in the development of mucositis. The condition appears to represent a sequential interaction of the oral mucosal cells and tissues, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and local environmental factors in the mouth. This article discussed and reviewed biological process of the mucositis and, the role of cytokines as initiators and amplifiers of the process. The recognition that the pathophysiology of mucositis is a multifactorial process has presented opportunities for intervention based upon biological attenuation.
