A study for strengthing-eliminating treatment method by acupuncture and moxibustion according to Jang-bu organ's deficiency-excessive based on ${\ll}Nankyoung{\gg}$

${\ll}$ 난경(難經) ${\gg}$ 의 장부허실(臟腑虛實)에 따른 침구보사법(鍼灸補瀉法)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 체질침(體質針) 원리(原理)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(I) -

  • Kim Ju-Kyoung (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, college of Oriental Medicine, Dong-Guk University) ;
  • Kim Seong-Cheol (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, college of Oriental Medicine, Dong-Guk University) ;
  • Yoon Jong-Hwa (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, college of Oriental Medicine, Dong-Guk University)
  • 김주경 (동국대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실) ;
  • 손성철 (동국대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실) ;
  • 윤종화 (동국대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실)
  • Published : 2001.12.20


Obejective : Based on ${\ll}$sixty-ninth Nan${\gg}$ (${\ll}$難經${\cdot}$六十九難${\gg}$) the interpromoting of the five element's balance method to discuss following 'when deficiency than should strengthen mother and when excessive than eliminate son' theories. Method : This strengthening and eliminating method is based on Jang-bu organ's balance method when 'east is excessive (liver excessive (肝實 )) and west is deficiency (lung deficiency (肺虛))' then 'eliminate the south and strengthen the north's method. Results : The seventy-fifth Nan (${\ll}$難經${\cdot}$七十五難${\gg}$) explains' son effects mother's excessive and mother effects son's deficiency' theory where it balance method of the inter-overacting five elements controlling Jang-bu organ's differentiations. The eighty-first Nan (${\ll}$難經${\cdot}$八十一難${\gg}$) explains strengthening-eliminating method of 'lung excessive and liver deficiency.' Since there are two different perspective of seventy-fifth and eighty-first Nan, we must compare and discuss to make right point of view. Conclusion : the treatment method in ${\ll}$Nan kyoung sixty ninth nan${\gg}$ could be understood as a view of five element constitutional theory (五行體質理論), the treatment method in ${\ll}$Nan kyoung seventyty-fifth nan${\gg}$ of eleminating fire and strengthning water in case of liver excess and lung defficiency and the treatment method in ${\ll}$Nan kyoung eighty-first nan${\gg}$ of strengthning liver and eleminating lung in case of lung excess and liver defficiency could be understood as a view of the yin-yan constitutional theory (陰陽體質理論).



  1. 難經今釋 당湘淸(編著)
  2. 醫經朔회集 王履
  3. 四象診療保元 洪淳用
  4. 三百種醫籍錄 賈維誠
  5. 各家鍼灸醫籍選 張吉
  6. 難經校注 凌耀星
  7. 難經集注 王九思
  8. 難經入門 崔昇勳
  9. 難經之硏究 本間祥白(著);吳家鏡(譯)
  10. 馬王堆古醫書考釋 馬繼興
  11. 難經正義 葉霖
  12. 黃帝八十一難經纂圖句解 李銅
  13. 圖註八十一難經譯 王樹權
  14. 徐靈胎醫學全書$\cdot$難經經釋 徐靈胎
  15. 內經靈素考 余自漢
  16. 難經古義 騰滿卿
  17. 難經本義 滑壽
  18. 校正圖註難經 v.四 張世賢
  19. 難經疏證 丹波元簡
  20. 易經難經新解 劉壽永
  21. 東醫壽世保元註釋 韓東錫
  22. 難經解難校釋 何愛華
  23. 難經校釋 南京中醫學院(校釋)