A Study on the Concept of the Right and the Left in Oriental Medicine

한의학(韓醫學)의 좌우이론(左右理論)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察)

  • Park Seung-Mi (Dept. of Acupuncture and Meridianology, Graduate School of East-West Medical Science, Kyunghee University) ;
  • Park Hi-Joon (Dept. of Acupuncture and Meridianology, Graduate School of East-West Medical Science, Kyunghee University) ;
  • Lee Hyang-Sook (Dept. of Acupuncture and Meridianology, Graduate School of East-West Medical Science, Kyunghee University) ;
  • Son Yang-Sun (Dept. of Meridian and Acupoint, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyunghee University) ;
  • Lim Sa-Bi-Na (Dept. of Meridian and Acupoint, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyunghee University) ;
  • Lee Hye-Jung (Dept. of Acupuncture and Meridianology, Graduate School of East-West Medical Science, Kyunghee University)
  • 박승미 (경희대학교 동서의학대학원 침구경락학교실) ;
  • 박히준 (경희대학교 동서의학대학원 침구경락학교실) ;
  • 이향숙 (경희대학교 동서의학대학원 침구경락학교실) ;
  • 손양선 (경희대학교 한의과대학 경혈학교실) ;
  • 임사비나 (경희대학교 한의과대학 경혈학교실) ;
  • 이혜정 (경희대학교 동서의학대학원 침구경락학교실)
  • Published : 2001.03.27


We could summerize the concept of the right and left mentioned in Nai-Gyung and some literature of oriental medicine as follow At first the right and left is a directional right and left which implys left-liver-right-lung(左肝右肺), left-yang-right-eum(左陽右陰), secondly it is also the road of eumyang which implys man-left-woman-right(男左女右), left-blood-right-ki(左血右氣), left-sinsu-right-myungmon(左腎水右命門), and left-right of pulse. left-liver-right-lung(左肝右肺), left-yang-right-eum(左陽右陰) and man-left-woman-right(男左女右) are expressions of the movement of yang which is a core of chang, at the same time, left-blood-right-ki(左血右氣), left-sinsu-right-myungmon(左腎水右命門), and left-right of pulse are expressions of the eum in response to the movement of yang. (go up and down of water and fire) Finally, both a directional right and left and a road of eumyang mean a road of going up and down of eumyang so, this is very important index in circulation and keeping ballance of eumyang (ki-Hyul:氣血) in the human body therefore, we can treat a disease with acupuncture in the use of this charater, for example when a disease occurs in the left side, we can treat it with acupuncture in the right side, the same applys to right.



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  2. 四川中醫 v.14 no.3 肝生于左肺臟于右之我見 劉北林
  3. 山西中醫 v.12 no.1 자시험방 吳春林
  4. 河南中醫 v.16 no.2 曲池穴巨刺法治療肋間神經痛23例 李少勃;毋瑞賢
  5. 東洋醫學叢書 山東中醫學院
  6. 醫古文知識 讓古典醫籍中的美學思想閃光 劉維廣
  7. 民族文化大百科辭典
  8. 易學原理講話 韓圭性
  9. 內經 鄭士德
  10. 黃帝內經素問今釋 李炳文
  11. 東醫學의 方法論硏究 尹吉永
  12. 難經本義 滑水;吳塤村(編著)
  13. 編註醫學入門 小兒文 陰火論 이천(編著)
  14. 醫宗必讀 水火陰陽論 李仲梓
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  17. 東醫生理學會誌 v.1 no.1 東醫學에 나타난 人體生理現象에 關한 考察 金廣中
  18. 慶熙大碩士學位論文 張景岳의 命門學說에 關한 文獻的 考察 金奎烈
  19. 中醫學三百題 中醫學三百題篇委會
  20. 王叔和脈經 王叔和(原著);李炳國(譯)
  21. 東垣十種醫書. 內外傷辨 v.上 이고
  22. 慶熙大博士學位論文 內經의 脈診斷과 後代 醫家說의 比較硏究 金泰熙
  23. 舍岩道人鍼灸要訣(全) 舍岩禪師(國文譯註)
  24. 八象體質鍼 沈永
  25. 相對性鍼灸法 韓寬淑
  26. 碩士課程中間發表 人體의 左右區分에 關한 陰陽論的 考察 金敬哲
  27. 中醫 v.19 no.2 中國醫學文
  28. 精校 黃帝內經靈樞 洪元植(校合)
  29. 精校 黃帝內經素問 洪元植(校合)
  30. 增註類症活人暑 朱肱
  31. 鍼灸醫學典籍大系 鍼灸聚英發揮
  32. 原本集註 周易 金赫濟(校閱)
  33. 國譯萬病回春 공정현(저)