배유혈(背兪穴)과 복유혈(腹募穴)의 주치증(主治症)에 관한 문헌적(文獻的) 비교(比較) 연구(硏究)

Documentary comparative study on the chief virtues of the Back-Su(兪) points and the Front-Mo(募) points

  • 박사현 (동신대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실) ;
  • 조명래 (동신대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실)
  • Park Sa-Hyun (Dept. of Acupucture & Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongshin University) ;
  • Cho Myung-Rae (Dept. of Acupucture & Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongshin University)
  • 발행 : 2001.03.27


From documentary comparative study on the chief virtues of the Back-Su(兪) points and the Front-Mo(募) points, the following results are obtained : 1. Contrast the Back-Su(兪) points with the Front-Mo(募) points, the needle-steadying depth of the Front-Mo(募) points is deeper than that of the Back-Su(兪) points. and Moxibustion dosage of the Front-Mo(募) points is more than that of the Back-Su(兪) points. 2. In the case of Kimun(LR14) and Kansu(BL18), Kergwol(CV12) and Shimsu(BL15), Chungwan(CV12) and Wisu(BL21), Kyungmun(GB25) and Shinsu(BL23), the Back-Su(兪) points can be chiefly used for the treatment of acute disease, external disease, exess disease and Jang(臟)-disease. contrary the Front-Mo(募) points can be chiefly used for the treatment of chronic disease, internal disease, deficiency disease and Bu(腑)-disease. 3. In the case of Kwangwon(CV4) and Sojangsu(BL27), Serkmoon(CV5) and Samchosu(BL22), Changmun(LR13) and Bisu(BL20), Chungbu(LV1) and Pesu(BL20), Chungguk(CV3) and Banggwangsu(BL28), the Front-Mo(募) points can be used for the treatment of unbalanced visceral funtion. contrary the Back-Su(兪) points can be used for not only the treatment of unbalanced visceral funtion but also the treatment of attached organs. 4. The Back-Su(兪) points can be used for the treatment of acute disease, external disease, exess disease, Jang(臟)-disease and attached organs-disease. contrary the Front-Mo(募) points can be chiefly used for the treatment of chronic disease, internal disease, deficiency disease, and Bu(腑)-disease.



  1. 鍼灸學(上) 崔容泰
  2. 임상경락수혈학 이학인
  3. 中國鍼灸學槪要 啓業書局
  4. 問答式鍼灸學 申天浩
  5. 鍼灸學 上海中醫學院
  6. 鍼灸經緯解釋 大田大學校 韓醫科大學 6期 卒業準備委員會
  7. 經穴學叢書 安榮基
  8. 大韓鍼灸學會誌 v.12 no.1 募兪穴에 관한 硏究 梁熙台
  9. 大韓鍼灸學會誌 v.15 no.1 腎兪에 黃精藥鍼液 投與가 卵巢摘出에 미치는 影響 송호섭
  10. 慶熙大 碩士學位論文 理中湯水鍼이 鎭痛 抗瀉下 및 uro.e. sin치에 미치는 影響 高敬錫
  11. 慶熙大博士學位論文 草龍膽水鍼에 의한 肝機能이 膝關節 炎症性 浮腫에 미치는 影響 金甲成
  12. 慶熙大 碩士學位論文 丹參水鍼이 鎭痛效果에 미치는 影響에 관한 硏究 宋春浩
  13. 大韓鍼灸學會誌 v.12 no.2 石門${\cdot}$中極穴의 主治別 差異에 대한 文獻的 比較 考察 宋汶榮
  14. 大韓鍼灸學會誌 v.12 no.2 전중 및 석문혈을 이용한 심포${\cdot}$삼초의 침구학적 임상응용에 관한 연구 梁熙台
  15. 圓光大學位論叢 v.5 中脘穴灸治療의 文獻的 考察 林暻淑
  16. 黃帝內經素問今釋 王琦
  17. 黃帝內經靈樞校注語釋 郭靄春
  18. 鍼灸精要 李芳遠
  19. 難經本義 滑白仁
  20. 鍼灸甲乙經 皇甫謐
  21. 銅人鍼灸經 王維一
  22. 鍼灸聚英 高武
  23. 鍼灸大成 梁繼洲
  24. 鍼方六集校釋 吳昆
  25. 類經圖翼 張景岳
  26. 鍼灸集成(下) 廖潤鴻
  27. 醫宗金鑑(下) 吳謙
  28. 鍼灸學 楊甲三
  29. 鍼灸經驗方 許任
  30. 鍼灸心悟 손진환;고입산
  31. 韓方專門醫叢書 7(鍼灸科) 이도건;황득창
  32. 最新鍼灸學 金定濟
  33. 韓方診斷學 李鳳敎
  34. 鍼灸治療基礎學 代田文誌
  35. 陸瘦燕鍼灸治論著醫案選 陸瘦燕
  36. 東醫生理學 大韓東醫生理學會(編)
  37. 東醫寶鑑 東醫寶鑑國譯委員會