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- Library Trends v.23 no.3 Scores and Recordings Buth, Olga.
- Reader in Music Librarianship The International Code for Cataloguing Music Cazeaux, Isabelle;Carol June Bradley(ed.)
- Cataloging Phonorecordings : Problems and Possibilities Daily, J. E.
- Library Trends v.15 no.3 Music Literature, Music, and Sound Recordings Duckles, Vincent H.
- Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules(2nd ed.) Gorman, Michael;Winkler, Paul W.(ed.)
- Angol-American Cataloguing Rules(2nd ed., 1988 Revision) Gorman, Michael;Winkler, Paul W.(ed.)
- The Development of Library Collections of Sound Recordings Hoffmann, Frank W.
- ISBD(NBM) : International Standard Bibligraphic Description for Non-Book Materials IFLA International Office for UBC
- Music Librarianship Jones, Malcolm
- Library Trends v.25 no.3 Developments in the Organization of Audiovisual Materials Massonneau, Suzanne
- Music Cataloging : the Bibliographic Control of Printed and Recorded Music in Libraries Smiraglia, Richard P.
- Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v.9 no.3 Uniform Titles for Music : an Exercise in Collocating Works Smiraglia, Richard P.
- Library Resources & Technical Services v.13 no.1 Organization of Recorded Sound Sunder, Mary Jane
- Standards for Cataloging Nonprint Materials(4th ed.) Tillin, Alma M.;Quinly, William J.
- Music Cataloging Policy in the General Libraries Weidow, Judy.