- Marketing Management : Analysis, Planning and Control Philip Kotler,
- Journal of Service Marketing v.9 no.4 The Effects of Customer Service on Consumer Complaining Behavior Jeffery G. Blodgett;Kirk L. Wakefield;James H. Barmes
- The Journal of Consumer Affairs v.23 no.2 Determinants of Consumers' Decisions to Seek Third Party Redress : an Empirical Study of Dissatisfied Patients Jagdip Singh
- College & Research Libraries v.58 A Critique of Customer and Commodity John M. Budd
- Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior v.4 Complaining and Praising in Non-profit Exchanges : When Satisfaction Matters Less Dianne S. P. Cermak;Karen Maru File;Russ Alan Prince
- Library Quarterly v.54 Issues of Structure and Control in the Scholarly Communication System Charles B. Osbum
- College & Research Libraries v.58 A Critique of Customer and Commodity John M. Budd
- The Journal of Academic Librarianship v.26 no.4 Thompson, Reliability and Validity of SERVQUAL Scores Used to Evaluate Perceptions of Library Service Quality Collen Cook;Bruce
- European Journal of Marketing v.18 no.2 The Marketing of Public Library Service in the United Kingdom - The Rationale for a Marketing Approach Blaise Cronin
- Journal of Information Science v.21 no.6 Marketing Development in the Public Library Sector : an Empirical Analysis N. F. Doherty;J. Saker;I. G. Smith
- Service Quality in Academic Libraries Peter Hermon;Ellen Altman
- Assessing Service Quality : Satisfying the Expectations of Library Customers Peter Hermon;Ellen Altman
- 도서관서비스 품질관리론(한국어판) Peter Hermon;Ellen Altman;이은철(역)
- 한국문헌정보학회지 v.32 no.3 도서관의 이용자 중심 서비스질 평가와 측정에 관한 이론적 고찰 이상복
- 한국문헌정보학회지 v.34 no.4 대학도서관 서비스질의 구성요인 분석 백항기;이은철
- Advances in Consumer Research v.7 The Direction of Consumer Complaint Research E. L. Landon, Jr.
- 우리말큰사전 한글학회
- Advances in Consumer Research v.6 An Exploratory Study of Assertiveness, Aggressiveness and Consumer Complaining Behavior Claes Fornell;Robert A. Westbrook
- Journal of Retailing v.57 no.3 The Sources, Meaning and Validity of Consumer Complaining Behavior : a Psychological Analysis Jacob Jacoby;James J. Jaccard
- Journal of Marketing v.47 Consumer Complaints and Managerial Responses : a Holistic Approach Alan J. Resnik;Robert R. Hamon
- Journal of Marketing v.52 Consumer Complaint Intentions and Behavior : Definitional and Taxonomical Issues Jagdip Singh
- 소비자 불평행동의 영향요인에 관한 실증적 연구 박광순
- 대한경영학회지 v.17 소비자의 불평행동 의도 : 유형별 결정요인을 중심으로 배병렬
- Journal of Public Policy and Marketing v.3 Characteristics of Consumer Complaints : Implications for Marketing and Public Policy M. Moyer
- Journal of Retailing v.66 no.1 A Typology of Consumer Dissatisfaction Response Style Jagdip Singh
- Journal of Retailing v.66 no.1 A Typology of Consumer Dissatisfaction Response Style Jagdip Singh
- Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior v.5 Toward An Integrated Conceptual Model of Consumer Complaining Behavior Jeffery G. Blodgett;Donald H. Granbois
- Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Proceedings Consumer Complaining Behavior : A Review and Prospectus Jagdip Singh;Roy D. Howell
- 소비자 불만족반응에 관한 연구 강정구
- Advances in Consumer Research v.4 Exploring Consumer Complaining Behavior : a Model and Some Empirical Results Kjell Gronhaug
- Journal of Marketing Research v.20 Selected Determinants of Consumer Satisfaction and Complaint Reports William O. Bearden;Jesse E. Teel
- Advances in Consumer Research v.11 Modeling Choices Among Alternative Responses to Dissatisfaction Ralph L. Day
- Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science v.26 no.3 Why don't Some People Complain? A Cognitive-Emotive Process Model of Consumer Complaint Behavior Nancy Stephens;Kevin P. Gwinner
- Journal of Retailing v.57 no.3 The Sources, Meaning and Validity of Consumer Complaining Behavior : a Psychological Analysis Jacob Jacoby;James J. Jaccard
- Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior v.5 Toward An Integrated Conceptual Model of Consumer Complaining Behavior Jeffery G. Blodgett;Donald H. Granbois
- Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior v.4 Intensity of Dissatisfaction and Consumer Complaint Behaviors Ved Prakash
- Advances in Consumer Research v.11 Modeling Choices Among Alternative Responses to Dissatisfaction Ralph L. Day
- Advances in Consumer Research v.7 Consumer Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior as Feedback : A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Delivery Systems Kjell Gronhaug;Johan Arndt
- Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior v.5 Toward An Integrated Conceptual Model of Consumer Complaining Behavior Jeffery G. Blodgett;Donald H. Granbois
- 소비자보호 및 이해를 위한 현대소비자론 장홍섭;안승철
- 소비자행동론 유동근
- Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior v.5 Toward An Integrated Conceptual Model of Consumer Complaining Behavior Jeffery G. Blodgett;Donald H. Granbois
- Advances in Consumer Research v.9 An Investigation of Consumers' Attigudes Toward Complaining M. L. Richins
- Advances in Consumer Research v.11 An Ivestigation of Influences on Consumer Complaint Reports William O. Bearden;Barry Mason
- The Journal of Consumer Affairs v.23 no.2 Determinants of Consumers' Decisions to Seek Third Party Redress Jagdip Singh
- Journal of Retailing v.66 no.1 A Typology of Consumer Dissatisfaction Response Style Jagdip Singh
- Advances in Consumer Research v.18 Consumer Attitudes Toward Complaining and the Prediction of Multiple Complaint Response Diane Halstead;Cornelia Droge
- 대한경영학회지 v.17 소비자의 불평행동 의도 : 유형별 결정요인을 중심으로 배병렬
- Advances in Consumer Research v.6 Consumer Response to Dissatisfaction with Durable Products Ralph L. Day;S. B. Ash
- Advances in Consumer Research v.5 Comsumer Response to Dissatisfaction with Services and Intangibles Ralph L. Day;M. Bodur
- Exit, Voice and Loyalty : Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations and States A. O. Hirschman
- Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Correlates of Consumer Expectation and Complaining Behavior D. Granbois;J. O. Summers;G. L. Frazier;R. L. Day(ed.)
- Journal of Marketing v.47 Negative Word-of-Mouth by Dissatisfied Consumers : a Pilot Study M. L. Richins
- Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science v.18 Voice Exit and Negative Word-of Mouth Behaviors : An Investigation Across Three Service Categories Jagdip Singh
- Journal of Service Marketing v.9 no.4 The Effects of Customer Service on Consumer Complaining Behavior Jeffery G. Blodgett;Kirk L. Wakefield;James H. Barmes
- 소비자 불평행동의 통합모형 정경애
- Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science v.18 Voice Exit and Negative Word-of Mouth Behaviors : An Investigation Across Three Service Categories Jagdip Singh
- Advances in Consumer Research v.11 Modeling Choices Among Alternative Responses to Dissatisfaction Ralph L. Day
- 소비자 불평행동의 통합모형 정경애
- Journal of Retailing v.57 no.3 The Sources, Meaning and Validity of Consumer Complaining Behavior : a Psychological Analysis Jacob Jacoby;James J. Jaccard
- Journal of Service Marketing v.9 no.4 The Effects of Customer Service on Consumer Complaining Behavior Jeffery G. Blodgett;Kirk L. Wakefield;James H. Barmes
- 소비자보호 및 이해를 위한 현대소비자론 장홍섭;안승철
- Journal of Consumer Research v.10 Consumer Reactions to Product Failure : an Attributional Approach V. S. Folkes
- Advances in Consumer Research v.24 The Impact of Perceived Justice on Customer Satisfaction and Intention to Complain in a Service Recovery Mary Ann Hocutt;Goutam Chakraborty;John C. Mowen
- Advances in Consumer Research v.6 Dissatisfaction Attribution and Consumer Complaining Behavior S. Krishnan;Valerie A. Valle
- Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior v.5 Toward An Integrated Conceptual Model of Consumer Complaining Behavior Jeffery G. Blodgett;Donald H. Granbois
- Journal of Service Marketing v.9 no.4 The Effects of Customer Service on Consumer Complaining Behavior Jeffery G. Blodgett;Kirk L. Wakefield;James H. Barmes
- Exit, Voice and Loyalty : Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations and States A. O. Hirschman
- Exit, Voice and Loyalty : Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations and States A. O. Hirschman
- 여성복 구매후 불평행동과정 연구 김성희
- Journal of Consumer Research v.9 Post-Purchase Consumer Processes and the Complaining Consumer Mary C. Gilly;Betsy D. Gelb
- Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior v.5 Consumer Decision Making Following a Failed Service Encounter : A Pilot Study S. S. Tax;M. Chandrashekaran
- Journal of Retailing v.73 no.2 The Effects of Distributive, Procedural and Interactional Justice on Postcomplaint Behavior Jeffery G. Blodgett,Donna J. Hill;Stephen S. Tax
- Consumer and Industrial Buying Behavior Toward a Theory of Consumer Complaining Behavior Ralph L. Day;E. Landon, Jr.;Woodside, Sheth; Bennett(eds.)
- 소비자 불평행동의 통합모형 정경애
- Theoretical Developments in Marketing Research Perspectives on Consumer Complaining Behavior Ralph L. Day;Lamb;Dunne(eds.)
- Journal of Marketing v.52 Consumer Complaint Intentions and Behavior Jagdip Singh
- Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior v.5 Toward An Integrated Conceptual Model of Consumer Complaining Behavior Jeffery G. Blodgett;Donald H. Granbois
- Advances in Consumer Research v.24 Understanding and Influencing Consumer Complaint Behavior : Improving Organizational Complaint Management Moshe Davidow;Peter A. Dacin
- Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science v.15 Voice Exit and Negative Word-of Mouth Behaviors : An Investigation Across Three Service Categories Jagdip Singh
- Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior v.5 Toward An Integrated Conceptual Model of Consumer Complaining Behavior Jeffery G. Blodgett;Donald H. Granbois
- Advances in Consumer Research v.11 Modeling Choices Among Alternative Responses to Dissatisfaction Ralph L. Day
- European Journal of Marketing v.18 no.2 Marketing and Non-Profit-Making Organizations D. A. Yorke